Dear Arvind, I’m not surprised by your latest act of sob-sob over not being invited to the Republic Day celebrations. You must have been particularly peeved by my presence in the VIP enclosure being chaperoned and parasoled by a senior security officer. Come on, man, grow up. Stop being a silly whimpering kid. You’ve always been a kid, I know. When I shared the platform with you during the India Against Corruption days, I saw through your silly infantile idealism. You are a childish dreamer, Arvind. You dream of an India without corruption. I have grown up and grown out of impossible dreams. I know you haven’t forgotten those days when I called Mr Narendra Modi all kinds of names for your sake. I thought you were the leader, the Messiah, that India was waiting for. But I am now grown up. I know who the real leader of India is. I know how the game is pla...
Cerebrate and Celebrate