'I don't like meeting people,' I explained when a friend asked why I showed little interest in meeting him after a long period. People are clichés wherever you go. They keep repeating themselves. The repetition may take slightly different avatars. Some do it in the name of the Christ, some others in Krishna's. Or Allah's. Or some Baba or other fraud. Fraud is a perpetual cliche from which mankind has no salvation, my friend said. Your problem is that you looked for salvation from them. Silly romantic dreamer! He laughed. So I am a fraud too? I asked. Living in an illusion! Aren't all people doing just that? Living in one illusion or another? In perceived paradises? Maybe paradise of wealth, power, positions, Babadom, kingdom of heaven... Clichés. What else? Solitude is my cliché, I said. You are a cliché trying to run away from other clichés, he said.
Cerebrate and Celebrate