Fiction Guru had been sitting in meditation on the hillock for as long as he could ward off the hunger that was humming in his belly. By the time the hunger became a fire in the belly, Guru had reached enlightenment. “It was about four and a half hours that I sat there in deep meditation,” Guru declared to the devotees who had assembled at his ashram by the time he had finished his meal. Perverts and antinationals spread the rumour that Guru’s chelas had paid in hard cash to bring in so many people as devotees. They were the days when the Prime Minister had shoved all hard cash into the trash bin with one 8 pm television address to the nation. “Up to that moment,” Guru went on, “that moment of my enlightenment, I always thought that this is me and that is somebody else or something else. At that moment, however, I did not know which is me and which is somebody else or something else. Suddenly, what was me was all over the place. The very rock on which I was sitti
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