Almost twenty years ago I attended a week-long retreat at a religious centre in Kerala. A few circumstances in my life had conspired together to throw my inner life into absolute chaos. When you are going through a protracted ordeal, you are quite sure to attract a lot of well-wishers. Though many of these well-wishers are actually people who derive a secret delight by peeping into your agony, a few of them are genuinely interested in putting into practise all their pastoral skills. A universal verdict was passed by all those who claimed to have diagnosed the condition of my soul: that I should attend a retreat. A Catholic retreat usually consists of a series of sermons or religious lectures interspersed with prayer services culminating in the purgation of one’s sins through the confession. Like the drowning man clutching at the floating straw, I embraced the retreat as fanatically as I could. The preacher, the retreat guru, was informed by some of my well-wishers much
Cerebrate and Celebrate