My FaceBook account is accessible only to my friends. At least, that’s how I intended it and fixed the settings. The reason is that I want only those people who know me to read what I write in that social media which is not as civilised a place as the blogosphere. Moreover, I make a lot of political statements there and many people may not like such statements, especially those who are known as bhakts these days. The other day I made a comment on a link posted in FB by a blogger friend. I used to avoid her ever since I discovered that she and I were poles apart in our attitudes to the current politics in the country. But something provoked me to make a comment. She reacted saying that she does not appreciate such comments and I should not use her space for writing such things. I unfriended her immediately. When there arise conditions and restrictions on what you can express, it is no more friendship. I don’t make rude or vulgar comments anyway. But
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