I wake up every morning to some WhatsApp messages from friends and well-wishers. “There are only two ways of living life,” suggested one such message this morning, “Walk like you are the King or walk like you don’t care who the King is.” The very next one from another friend (who messages me very rarely) belonged to the spiritual realms as usual: “In pride, in reas’ning pride, our error lies; All quit their sphere and rush into the skies. Pride still is aiming at the bless’d abodes, Men would be angels, angels would be gods.” The first message came from a friend who has entrepreneurial ambitions while the sender of the second one has spiritual aspirations. The first friend, presumably, sends bulk messages to all in the mailing list every morning and hence the messages may not be meant for me personally. The second friend takes a personal interest in me as all spiritually ambitious people do. Entrepreneurship is about managing the masses while spirituality is about savin
Cerebrate and Celebrate