Narendra Modi has been trying every trick up his sleeve to make Nehru vanish from India’s history. He removed the first Prime Minister from every possible place including his residence Teen Murti Bhavan. He bulldozed the Delhi that Nehru inherited and nurtured and is replacing it with the Central Vista. Now with the help of the Indian Council of Historical Research he has deleted Nehru from the galaxy of freedom fighters. The latest posters brought out by that institution which is now populated by Modi’s handpicked bhakts have deliberately chosen to omit Nehru. I have never been able to understand why Modi hates Nehru so much. Is it the fear and envy of a pigmy brain when confronted with an intellectual giant? It could be that and more. In fact, it’s not only Modi but also the majority of his party people who seem to hate Nehru for reasons that only their gods may understand. Today’s New Indian Express editorial , ICHR once again invites scorn upon itself , ridicules this fear
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