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Pygmalion Effect

I have seen many parents of my students staring at me with unconcealed scepticism when I tell them that their son or daughter is going to score very high in the final exam. “But she never opens the English textbooks,” once a mother told me with palpable vexation. “I am her textbook,” I said with my usual serene smile, “leave it to me.” The mother didn’t know what to say and she left looking rather unhappy. When the final result came, her daughter had scored 96%, one mark more than I had predicted for her.

This happened in an early period of service at my present school. Now most parents know I mean what I say and they don’t stare anymore. Most of my students score enviably high marks in the final exam. How do I do it?

I didn’t know until yesterday that my strategy had an official name in psychology: the Pygmalion Effect. You put your trust in a person’s merits, tell him that he has the potential to achieve such and such, and support him as and when required. You will get the result you want. Sure. This strategy is foolproof, I assure you from experience. I have worked wonders with this.

Original Pygmalion was a sculptor

My Penguin dictionary of psychology defines Pygmalion Effect as “the oft-observed effect in which people come to believe in ways that correspond to others’ expectations of them.” I let my students know my expectations of them. I give them all the support they require. And miracles happen. Those miracles are the Pygmalion effects.

I came across the name, Pygmalion Effect, yesterday while reading Rutger Bregman’s book which I have mentioned many times in my recent posts. Bregman puts it this way: “Beliefs we’re devoted to – whether they’re true or imagined – can … come to life, effecting very real change in the world.”

It’s not only about academic results of young students. The Pygmalion Effect can work miracles anywhere, even in politics. Mahatma Gandhi used this strategy very effectively. He trusted people’s goodness. And people became better. He worked miracles in the lives of thousands of people. He transformed them. With Pygmalion Effect.

We can create a much better world if we all start making use of this effect in our day-to-day life. This is what Bregman argues in his book.

I cannot give any guarantee about the world. All I know is that it works very well with young students. Maybe, Bregman is right. A charismatic leader like Gandhi can bring about miraculous transformations even in the political jungles of India. The leader does matter.

PS. This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon


  1. Your experience as a teacher resonated with me.

    I trained to be a teacher in an extremely challenging school in London. The school catered to a catchment area of mostly single-parent households on State benefits. Not only was I new to the country (so I didn't have time to form any pre-conceived notions about the children), I was a 'new' teacher at a sensible age of 30 (career change). As a result, I expected my class to do as well as I expected my own offspring to. We all worked hard. Had fun and ended up getting the best Year 6 results in the history of the school.

    A tiny miracle perhaps--when I look back. But it had everything to do with the fact that as their (naïve and new) teacher, I expected them to do their best and they all did.

    Beliefs are powerful tools to make and unmake societies.

    1. There's a thrill in working with children and getting desired results. I can understand your joy as I read your comment. These are the real miracles. Small achievements in others' sight but huge ones for individuals concerned.

      Yes, the author mentioned also speaks about the power of religious beliefs... I didn't want to take the post so far.

  2. Yes, when you believe in the best of people, you get the best of people.

  3. Bravo!
    A reflection of self confidence.

    1. Thank you. My professional life was quite successful.

  4. Hari OM
    A joy to read this post! I had such a teacher of English at my high school... I am still working to please him, though he is decades gone now.
    YAM xx

    1. I always loved teaching. Even today I get along well with youngsters though I find it hard to tackle adults :)

  5. Your students are lucky to have you for sure.
    I have never have heard about Pygmalion effect till reading your post. However now that I am equipped with the knowledge I could see some experiences on timeline of my life that are examples of the said effect, in hindsight.
    Thanks for this enlightenment.

    1. My pleasure. When it comes to the job, it's a mutual relationship between the students and the teacher. I have been fortunate in this regard.

  6. It's true when you say someone that he's good at work, he genuinely tries to be good, but when you say someone that he's worthless, he doesn't tries at all to be good.

    1. That negative part is also true. It's called Golem Effect. Our negative expectations come true.

  7. Pygmalion effect is indeed effective. Most people however apply it half heartedly and hence do not get the full benefit. If Pygmalion is your expectations of the other person, Galatea effect is his own expectations about himself.Pygmalion influences Galatea as well to get the best outcome.

    1. Thanks for that addition to the post. Expectations do matter.

  8. Encouragement in form of believing and coming from a teacher changes one a lot..

    1. Not only teachers, appreciation and encouragement from anyone can do a lot of good.

  9. Nice to know bout the Pygmalion effect.
    Great to know about the responsibility you take for the success of your students.

  10. Yes, I totally agree. When we say that we believe in you, I love the spark in the eyes of the person opposite us. That immediate response, I so adore and they do well when one appreciates them. Came to know a new term today, thanks to you.

    1. Goodness is contagious. That's a basic message of the book mentioned.

  11. Sir, you definitely did work wonders with the trust you have in the potential and capabilities of one. Having a teacher like you do change a lot of things for students, it did for me. If I have ever loved a subject genuinely, the credit goes to your superpowers!! I've rarely looked forward to a lecture other than yours (honest words now that I'm out of school :)) And yes, you're right - you were the textbook for us, we never felt the need of having a material book! Positivity is, and always will be the magical trait in you. I owe you big, and I will never stop being grateful for having a teacher like you.

    1. Love this from you, Kanchan. Yours was an unforgettable batch too. Many of you remain fresh in my memory. In my heart, rather.

  12. Sir, you definitely did work wonders with the trust you have in one's potential and capabilities. I was blessed enough to once be your student and yes you're right - you were our textbook, we never felt the need of having a material one. I rarely looked forward to a lecture other than yours (honest words now that I'm out of school :)) Your appreciation and encouragement did change a lot of things for me. It is not every day that young students get teachers like you. Positivity is, and will always be your magical trait!! I owe you big, and will never stop being grateful for knowing a teacher like you.


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