If there is one starving person in your country, your country is not independent. That old man called Gandhi said it. May he rest in peace. I live in a country of beggars. The helpless beg, the slightly less helpless steal, and a few are billionaires. Quite many others are our leaders in the Assembly Houses and the Parliament Houses. And a few others are religious beggars, a very fascinating lot they are: they provide us with our daily sustenance of fun. Five individuals in my country possess assets worth Rs 5,23,897 crore rupees. Mukesh Ambani's wealth amounts to Rs 1,49,474 crore rupees. But he will sell our petroleum abroad and not give it to us. That's called "the Gujarat model of development". For more about India's wealth and beggary, read the report by Wealth-X . "Don't be a spoilsport," says M. "Let us celebrate our Independence." OK. I don't want to burst the balloons on Rajpath. ...
Cerebrate and Celebrate