Anybody can be a victim of the frauds perpetrated on the internet day in and day out. Even the Delhi Chief Minister’s daughter was duped of Rs 34,000 by an online scammer two years ago when she was trying to sell a used sofa on the popular platform OLX. You may belong to a powerful family which can easily access the help of the police system, but you can be swindled easily and that too on a popular platform which is supposed to have all sorts of security measures. The internet does not discriminate. Many of us are familiar with the TV series Jamtara . You may also know that Jamtara is another underdeveloped district of Jharkhand. A lucrative phishing operation is what sustains the plot of the popular series. Sabka Number Ayega , threatens the subtitle menacingly. You and I may become the victims of some internet fraud any day. Anyone, young or old, learned or illiterate, powerful or pedestrian… anyone can be a victim at any time. With the coming of Artificial Intelligence, there i...
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