Kufri lies at about 20 km from Shimla on the way to Chail. In winter tourists enjoy skiing and other snow-related activities. The place won’t disappoint you in summer too. There’s the Fun World which can offer you much entertainment. There are various adventure activities and yak riding on offer. You can view the distant snow-capped mountain ranges with the help of the telescopes placed in a row. You reach the Fun World of Kufri riding a pony from the main road where your vehicle will have to park itself. It’s a 15 minute-ride on a terribly rugged path that slopes ominously in some places. Your guide will tell you when to bend your body forward or backward so that the pony won’t think you too idiotic. Below are some pictures from Kufri. Ponies carry you to the hub of activities Fun World Nag Mandir - Tourism and Religion go hand in hand in Himachal Pradesh A view from Nag Mandir Most yaks in ...
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