The following passage is extracted from the book, The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson who was a disciple of Sawan Singh, one of the Radha Soami Masters. Johnson was a doctor by profession. He was also a Christian pastor. He came to India with the intention of converting Indians to Christianity but ended up converting himself into a Satsangi. He wrote five books about his Master and the Satsang. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1939. The extract : I can almost hear some Western critics say: “Why don’t Masters take measures to prevent the downward drift of mankind?” The answer is that the Masters do not interfere with the natural order. It has been on the program from the beginning of time. These ages must come, as they are ordained by the Creator. It is no part of the duty of the Masters to interfere in world processes. Their duty is to help individuals to escape this melee of troubles. And one thing we should always keep in mind – the Supreme
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