Some gates thrust upon us an impression of desolation. They may be left open, but they don't invite; rather, they repulse. It's not the Nature with her trees and plants or even its aridity that repulses; it's the gate in such a place; a gate that looks out of place; a gate that doesn't look like a gate! Take a look around and you realise that you are not alone. There is another creature that looks forlorn too. Its company is no consolation. Nor does it seem interested in your company. Maybe, it's looking for something to eat. A little water to drink. A shelter from the heat of the summer sun in Delhi. Is it wondering, like you, what we have done to the planet? Why did we make such a hell out of it? Why couldn't we get along together like the passengers on a train... knowing that the journey will end anyway? No, it's not interested in your company. "Good bye." PS. All the pictures were taken this afternoon ...