Fiction Mollusc (mollusk, in American English) Little Johnny went as usual to his grandma when he was bored of everything else. Grandma would tell him interesting stories. Johnny was carrying his mother’s latest pearl necklace that came free with the saris she had ordered online. “Pearls,” said grandmother fondling the necklace. “Shall I tell you the story of pearls today? Johnny was excited. Do pearls have a story too? Yes, they do, said grandma. A great story. Do you want to hear it? Of course, Johnny was all ears. Pearls are found inside the body of creatures living in the oceans, started grandma. Shell fish. Molluscs. They are extremely tender creatures. Like the soft boys and girls you may see at school. Do you see such boys and girls? Yes, there are some. Johnny agreed. What happens to them? Asked grandma. Boys bully them. Exactly, said grandma. Bullying becomes an acute problem if you are very soft. The molluscs
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