In a rather sentimentally titled article, The Saddest Trend , The Economist says that more and more people are committing suicide in the country of “inexorable progress.” From 1999 to 2014, the suicide rates in America rose by 24%. The article does not list any reasons. America is a dream for many people in the world. So many Asians are willing to sacrifice their lifetime savings in order to be able to migrate and live in America, the perceived paradise on earth. America, the land of progress, the land of dreams, the zenith of human aspirations. Yet the Americans are choosing to end their lives prematurely! “Men shoot themselves, women take poison,” tells the article pithily. Let the reasons be, whatever they are. We shall wait for experts to analyse them. In the meanwhile, we may ask ourselves why is India, our country, leaving no stone unturned in following in the footsteps of this nation whose people are choosing deat...
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