A 24-year-old Malayalam song gained much attention in Kerala in the past weeks. It is a prayer to God not to come to certain places such as libraries, playgrounds, educational institutions, hospitals, farms, factories, courts of justice, corridors of political power, and a lot more. “Don’t you have enough places of worship to stay?” The song asks God. “We have given you our hearts too for residing. Yet why do you choose to come to the other places as a murderous rage?” Many newspapers reported yesterday about the disappearance of the Preamble to India’s Constitution from the new NCERT textbooks. It is not surprising that the Modi government has chosen to remove the Preamble from schools and many other places. Modi was quite discontented with the word ‘secularist’ in the Preamble right from the time he worked in a non-existent tea stall in Vadnagar railway station. [Despite the fact that the word ‘secularist’ appeared in India’s Constitution for the first time when Modi was 26 years...
Cerebrate and Celebrate