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Showing posts with the label wanker

Barking Dogs

The traffic crawled at snail’s pace.  Maybe, some politician or baba or such VIP was passing and there were security barricades somewhere… VIP security inevitably means insecurity for the aam aadmi .   One man’s security is another man’s insecurity, in the words of antediluvian wisdom. Poet was on his old scooter whose expiry date had elapsed long ago.  He became weary of the honking from behind; he felt insecure, in other words.  So he pulled his scooter to the brambles on the side of the road and waved his hand to the honking driver to indicate ‘Go ahead.’  The car of the honker overtook Poet’s scooter. “Don’t Honk.”  Poet could read the poster with big letters stuck on the rear of the car.  “Kute bhi nahin...”  The poster went on to admonish: “Even dogs do not bark without a reason.”