Shahid's wedding reception Photo sent by my student When a former student of mine who is now a journalist sent me a photo of Shahid Kapoor and his wife with a lady who was my boss for a brief (and worthy of being forgotten) period of my life, what struck me was a necklace. “That’s the religious asceticism they preached to us,” I wrote in my response to my student. I was aware of the glaring contradictions between the preaching and the practice of the religious cult to which the lady belonged. In fact, I was one of the many victims of that barefaced disparity. But what was Shahid Kapoor doing with her or she with him? I googled and got the answer. Google is a far greater miracle than any Satsang Guru! Source Shahid Kapoor is a devotee of the cult to which my former boss belonged. In fact, his marriage was apparently arranged by the Guru . India Today reported last month that the thespian had not yet named their child because...
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