If I had the power to do so, I would a dedicate a day to logical thinking. And make it mandatory for everyone to sit and think logically and coherently. Instructors will be provided for those who need. Simple steps of logical thinking like the Aristotelean syllogisms will be taught. People will be asked to do certain logical exercises. Their logical thinking skills be assessed and rewarded as they deserve. If people begin to think logically, there will be no terrorists killing innocent people for nonexistent celestial creatures. The heroes of the world won't be the natural descendants of Gulliver's Yahoos whose greatest delight lay in amassing some stones which they absurdly believed to be very precious. Expediency will not take the place of morality. Godmen and other frauds will vanish without a trace. The world will be what Jesus wished it to be: the kingdom of heaven. Rational thinking will teach people: the real cause-effect relationships, the difference between poe...
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