Fiction “Able was I ere I saw Elba.” Santosh muttered to himself as the petrol meter whirred on like a frenzied spinning top. “What?” Marina asked. “What?” Santosh looked at her puzzled as he handed over a blushing pink ₹2000 note to the petrol man. “You quoted Napoleon’s weakness.” “Oh, that.” Their car moved out into the rain that beat a rhythm of pain on the roof and the windshield. “When a cloud is unable to hold the pain anymore, it sheds the pain,” Santosh said. “The cloud is unlike human beings. It cannot get used to pain. It has to release the pain.” “Able was I ere I saw Elba,” Marina decided to ignore the rain’s pain. “Was Napoleon interested in palindromes?” “The palindrome is in English,” said Santosh. “Why would Napoleon use English, the language of his enemies? At any rate, was it Elba that disabled him?” “Now that you ask it,” reflected Marina, “he had emer...
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