12 May is International Nurse's Day. The only time I spent as many as ten days at a stretch in a hospital was when I fractured my foot following a fall from my scooter. That was four years ago. I lay in the hospital bed with my leg bandaged heavily from knee to foot and raised on a couple of pillows. My surgeon accompanied by a junior doc and a nurse came every morning to examine the condition of my foot. Nurses came at regular intervals to give me medicines as well as to check whether I was following instructions properly. There was a particular nurse who came at about 6 o'clock every morning to give me quite a few medicines one of which was an injection. One morning when she came I was in the washroom. She was not quite chuffed with my adventure. I didn't tell her that I was doing it every morning with the help of the walker I had got a relative to steal into my room. I explained to her that I had no other choice in that matter. She understood though she warned me ...
Cerebrate and Celebrate