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Nietzsche’s Mad Man

I am mad because I see what you don’t and I also see what you do. Do you hear what the deep midnight declares? The night is deep, deeper than day is ever aware, deep is its woe, and its joy, deeper yet than agony. But all joy wants eternity, wants deep, deep eternity. Eternity is as transparent as the darkest midnight to me, insane me. Dark me, Transparent me. You are destined to traverse between the poles of dark and light. To you dark is dark and light is light and in the twilight between you discover your idols, fabricate your gods, fornicate with scriptures, slander your neighbour, plunder the thunder, covet your neighbour’s spouse, castrate the mountains, ravage the rivers, darken the light, and light up the dark. Because  you are sane, I am insane. PS. Inspired by Nietzsche’s Zarathustra


The iciest judge whom I have across up to now is the biblical god.   On the day of the final judgment, according to the Bible, god will stand in all his glory before the entire nations and divide the countless souls into good and bad.   As simple as that.   Those on his right are good and the others “cursed.” The next harshest judges I have come across are in real life and are the priests of the biblical god.   They condemn people every moment, in the church homilies, retreat sermons, biblical conventions and the simple conversations you may have with them on the roadside.   There’s a whole list of sins, mortal and venial, to guide their judgment, in addition to whatever the men of god may decide to be right and wrong according to the expediency of the situation. And yet Jesus was a very compassionate man.   He asked his followers never to judge others.   He wanted his followers to be compassionate so much so that they should offer the other cheek when one is slapped.  

A Lesson from History

Religion or Strife? A Lesson from History In 15 th century al-Andalus was an Islamic state in which the three religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism had been coexisting peacefully for over 600 years.   Even when the Jews in many other countries were facing the terrible problem of pogrom, al-Andalus allowed the Jews there to flourish.   It was then that the King and Queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, were inspired by their religion.   They believed that their religion was the only true religion and their god the only true god.   They established the notorious Spanish Inquisition which sought to unify the nation under the one true god and one true religion.   Thousands of people were killed labelled as heretics.   Courtesy: Jonmrichardson The religious zeal of the King and the Queen extended to al-Andalus.   They led a war (which they called a crusade , holy war – religion can make even a war holy!), defeated the Sultan and started persecuting the Muslim