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Organic Food

I'm continuing with more pictures from my home where much of the food is prepared in the backyard plots. It's all organic food; no artificial fertilisers or insecticides used.


Tapioca was the staple food of Keralites in the bygone days, the era before McDonald, KFC, etc.

Cattle feed

Kerala depends much on the monsoon for its water supply and even electricity supply.  The monsoon seems to have marked its beginning this year.

May the showers bring a lot of blessings to the plants, animals, people... Let there be joy all around.


  1. This looks lovely Sir. Someday I wish I have acres of land where I can grow my own food. Currently I try and grow them in pots. Did you take a look at my gardening blog. Would like to hear from you.

    1. Kudos to you that you're growing them in pots. Wonder how many people would care to do that.

      I'll definitely love to see your gardening blog.

  2. Let monsoon begin soon in Kerala so that we'll have in TamilNadu, the much awaited rain and relive ourselves from the sweltering heat.

    1. Let's hope that the monsoon will gain strength soon, Easwar ji. What I witnessed was a pre-monsoon shower, it seems.

  3. That is a motivating post for me sir ji!I want a house with a backyard free for growing veg and like you had those sweet pets there I want to keep a cow for pure milk !! :)
    Thank you for reminding me what I am slogging hard for !! :)

    1. Honestly Jack, I inherited whatever land I have from my father.

  4. Great stuff, healthy living.

    1. A lot of people in the village can do the same, Rajesh.

  5. For most of the people this is just a Dream.

  6. One more in the saga of your holiday venture ! beautiful clicks ! such a dream indeed !

  7. Aditi, I'm not really aware of these scientific advantages of one and the scientific disadvantages of the other. But I know one thing for certain: the food which we grow in our backyard tastes much, much better than the vegetables we buy. For example, the beans (lovya) grown by us is a delightful contrast in taste with what we buy. Every vegetable has some remarkably different taste, I should say, when we don't inflict it with so much pesticide and artificial fertilizers. Moreover, we don't kill the soil with all that poison, you see. We use cowdung and other bio-waste as fertilizers. Yes, flies and insects become a problem, no doubt. It takes much pain to keep each bitter gourd covered with paper cones, for example, in order to protect them from the insects. But we are not cultivating them for the market, so we can afford to undergo the pain :)

  8. Truly Natural food products is best healthy diet nowadays..everyone should prefer this!!

  9. Organically grown foods also benefit our environment in many important ways. One is it helps keep our water safe to drink. Water is the most important liquid on the earth, and it is vital to ensure its purity.

  10. A huge thank you for this interesting post. I’ve been thinking about going organic for a while now. Have been going through your blog, and gained a lot of insight into organic eating and life. Great stuff!
    I recently visited a Café in Singapore which only uses organic ingredients, called Cali cafe. You can check out my review here:

    Let me know what you think :)

    Keep up the great work!
    Meethi Jain

  11. Its a very great idea Sir!! Food which is free from artificial fertilizers and insecticides will be good for the health and more people now a days prefer only Organic Food Products because of its benefits and tastes.

  12. Nice post ! great work. Organic food also benefit the environment in many critical ways.

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