I am blocking anonymous comments on this blog once again. I had allowed anonymity during the A2Z series because I was using a lot of pseudonyms to write about people who were closely associated with me and I wanted them to get an opportunity to comment anonymously if they so wished. A few did respond too anonymously. Now I see no reason why people should be given that luxury anymore since my posts have gone back to the usual topics such as politics and day-to-day life. What provoked this decision of mine is an anonymous comment that was dropped on a recent post of mine. A reader was irked by what I wrote about Modi. There’s nothing surprising about that. There are a lot of people who would like to drive a dagger straight into my heart just because they love Modi and I don’t. As long as Blogger gives me the privilege to decide what kind of comments are permitted in this space, I remain the arbiter here. Simple. No abuses, no threats, no absurd raving. Particularly anonymously...
Cerebrate and Celebrate