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Lizard in the Church

What does religion mean? This is the fundamental question raised by Manu Joseph in his story (in Malayalam) titled Lizard in the Sanctuary.

A lizard is driven out of a library in a cleaning drive initiated by the new librarian. It takes shelter in the nearby church. After all, churches are meant for everyone, aren’t they? The lizard sits in the sanctuary right behind the inscription of INRI on the main cross. It observes everything, listens to all the prayers and sermons, and even attends a few catechism classes after the Sunday Mass. The lizard is fascinated by such a wonderful religion which teaches the faithful to love even their enemies. The lizard finds the melodious prayers and hymns soothing and moving. The lessons preached in the sermons are all so noble. The lizard naturally wants to become a Christian.

How to become a Christian?

The lizard carefully observes all the Christians who attend the church service. There is Mathew who takes a seat near to the women’s side and watches some beautiful woman most of the time. When the woman, conscious of the gaze, turns back to catch the staring eyes, Mathew will raise his hands up and utter devoutly, “My Lord, My God!” There’s Varkey who pats his big belly and asks his wife through a gesture whether breakfast is ready at home.

Someone has offered a fat cock to Saint George and it is being auctioned after the Mass. The auction seems to be a place where the rich members of the parish try to show off their capacity to spend money for the church. The cock goes for Rs3000 in the end and the successful bidder is Yohan with a thick gold chain on his neck and a very thick gold ring on his finger.

Eventually the lizard learns that Christianity is not exactly what Mathew and Varkey and Yohan do. There’s certainly more to it. It is about the Son of God who condescended to become a human being and then die on a cross painfully in order to wash away the sins of the world. How are the sins washed away by that crucifixion? The lizard is not sure. But it is impressed by Jesus’ sacrifice.

The lizard is even more impressed by the catechism classes in which Sister Lucia teaches the children about the infinite love of God as seen in Jesus’ act of consoling the women of Jerusalem while he carries his cross to Golgotha. “Weep for yourselves and your children,” Jesus tells the women. Such a selfless and considerate man! The lizard wants to become his follower. What kind of existence is it just clambering walls and eating insects?

How to become a Christian and make life meaningful?

The lizard eventually learns that one becomes a Christian through baptism. Varkey’s grandchild’s baptism is coming. All arrangements are made by the sacristan who has kept the baptismal font ready with water. The parish priest has to bless that water before it gets the power convert one into a Christian. The lizard waits eagerly for the priest to do that.   

As soon as Father Benjamin blesses the water, before the little infant gets its rightful chance to become a Christian, the lizard jumps into the font, eager to become a Christian.

“A lizard!” Father Benjamin points out to the sacristan who opens the valve at the bottom of the font. The water swishes out rapidly and the lizard is washed away with it: towards eternity. 

I have taken quite much liberty with my presentation of Joseph’s story here though I haven’t tampered with its spirit. I don’t intend to offer interpretations as I would like readers to interpret the story for themselves. All I’d like to point out is: this story is not just about Christianity. 

PS. The second illustration is taken from Madhyamam weekly in which Joseph's story appears. The first is created by Microsoft's Copilot Designer. 


  1. I think the lizard could do better. (But I have my own issues with organized religion, so...)

  2. Blind faith does strange things to people and lizards seeking succour.

    1. The library was better but unfortunately the lizard was driven out...


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