do you create a story?” The English teacher asked in the class. After listening
to the answers from various students he said, “Imagine a character, give him a
problem, and voila there begins your story.”
The day’s lesson was John Updike’s story, Should Wizard Hit Mommy? In that story Jack
tells a bedtime story to his daughter. It is a story about a skunk named Roger whose
problem is his foul smell which drives away all his potential friends. “Children
can be terribly insensitive sometimes,” the teacher said. “They are not as
innocent as they are believed to be. Imagine our little hero being pooh-poohed
by other children calling him Roger Stinky Skunk.”
Jenny was sceptical as usual. Children, he said. Weren’t they animals? She didn’t like many things
that her English teacher said in the class. She thought his views, quite many
of them at least, were outlandish. He would say things like “Miracles are dying
to be born in your minds; just change the way you perceive and watch miracles
exploding like fireworks in the sky.”
“You can all write stories if you wish,” the
teacher was saying. “Just imagine a character and create a problem for him or
“You are my problem,” Jenny’s mind
whispered. By ‘you’ she meant her teacher. “I shall write a story about you.”
“The wizard changed Roger’s odious smell to
the fragrance of roses,” the class continued. “The problem is solved. The story
can end. But the story continues because the child to whom it is being told is
not asleep yet. Or maybe Jack is not happy with the solution. So how do you
continue your story?”
“Create a new problem,” said the Einstein of
the class.
“Precisely,” the teacher said jubilantly as
if Einstein had made a historical discovery.
“That’s the problem,” Jenny’s mind whispered
again. Precisely. “Haven’t you said a
thousand times that there is nothing precise in life except formulas like a
plus b the whole squared is equal to something? You are so self-contradictory!
I’ll begin my story: John Sir is a
contradiction of himself. Wow! That’s quite a thing to begin a story with!”
“Jenny, you’re distracted,” said the
She frowned. “No, I’m not,” she asserted.
“Okay, tell me what I just said.”
“Create problems,” Jenny said.
“Fine. Do you think a skunk should smell
like roses? A problem?”
“Why can’t a skunk smell like roses if he
likes that?”
“Well, shouldn’t a skunk smell like skunks?”
“You tell us to smile even when we don’t
feel like smiling. If we can smile when we want to cry, why can’t a skunk smell
like a rose?”
“Awww, Jenny!” His usual histrionics again. She
hated it. “That’s just the point, the ugly middle position that Jack finds
himself in at the end.”
The teacher went on. There is the fairy
world of magic and miracles on the one hand, the world of the stories Jack
creates for his daughter. Then there is the prosaic world of harsh realities where
his wife is right now painting their furniture in spite of her pregnancy. Jack
finds himself caught between the two worlds.
“I’m caught between two worlds,” Jenny heard
her mind whisper. “Between your drama and my reality.”
“Inertia is the ugly middle position,” said
the teacher. “Jack stands inert at the end, incapable of action. Action is what
carries life forward. Pick up your brush, Jack, and paint your future, er... I mean, furniture….”
“What action could I take when my dad left
mom and me to live with another woman?” Jenny’s mind whirred. “You don’t know
how much I long to go for a drive with him listening to the love songs he plays
in the car. But he abandoned me. I’m so unlovable? And you tell me to smile all
the time….”
“If Roger wants to smell like roses, that’s
his choice,” the teacher said. “He is in action, at least. Of course, he will
have to face the consequences. Will other skunks accept him? That’s his mother’s
question. When that choice comes Roger has to act again. Until then, Jenny is
right, why can’t Roger smell like whatever he wants?”
“Ugly middle position!” Jenny mumbled.
“Yes, Jenny, you said something?” The
teacher asked.
“Is life full of ugly middle positions?” She
“Isn’t it? The problem is if you get stuck
to inertia, my dear. You have to choose, you have to act, you have to go on.”
Jenny stared at the teacher. A smile longed
to bloom on her lips. But she suppressed it.

The teacher's solution is a wise one. Jenny will take time to come out of her ugly middle position. But she is lucky to get this teacher who can pull her out of inertia. Because life is not kind, a teacher like John is. Wonderful solution. Anyone can write a story if they know how to arrive at solutions for the problems they have created. How metaphorical is that to life as well! Genius piece.
ReplyDeleteI'm obliged.i know this story may be a bit obscure to those not familiar with Updike's story. But I had to write it. Was relieved to read your comment.
DeleteA fiction at eye's level and fact at head's level with a wonderful heart at its heart!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Thank you.
DeleteBeautifully written! Lot to fathom!I would read it my daughter. Loved the characters and the situation!
ReplyDeleteThrilled to hear this from you.