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For those special friends

Many people on Facebook have advised me to go to Pakistan though I have time and again stated clearly that what I dislike about present India is that it is becoming increasingly like Pakistan. The Sangh Parivar has more or less succeeded in creating what Dr Shashi Tharoor has tersely named ‘Hindu Pakistan’.

This morning broke with someone dispatching me to Israel. If the “Indian Hindu culture” was not as “tolerant” as it was, I “would have been born in Israel” – that’s what the Facebook pundit wrote sounding rather ominous. I don’t know why this person wishes to consign me to Israel. There is tremendous irony in the suggestion since Israel was created for a people who were victimised by Fascism which seems to sustain the ideology of the Sangh Parivar.

I’m writing this to make one thing clear to these Facebook champions of the “Indian Hindu culture” who assume that I am an enemy of that culture. I am NOT. I have great respect for the profundity of the Upanishads. I am convinced that there is no better religion than the advaita (non-dualism) of those inimitable works. I am unambiguously certain that if god does exist, that god is within ourselves. God is the divinity we discover or create within us. God is the love in your heart, the love that overflows from your heart towards the entire reality outside you. God is what unites you with the cosmos. God is the realisation that everything that exists is as sacred as you are. Tatvam Asi.

What then is the problem? Why do I irk so many people who claim to be the champions of “Indian Hindu culture”? The answer is simple: they are not championing anything of the sort. They are all, without any exception that I can recall, champions of a political claptrap that has been popularised by a small group of people with an acutely myopic worldview which seeks relentlessly to project itself as a contemporary messianic version of the Sanatana Dharma.

I have analysed the writings and profiles of quite a few of these recent champions of India’s ancient wisdom. My findings led me the following conclusions:

1.     None of these champions know anything deeply about India’s real greatness.
2.     None of them is interested in knowing about that greatness.
3.     Most of them believe that Hindus and Hinduism are under serious threat from other religions and/or secularism.
4.     Almost all of them love to blame the Congress party, particularly Jawaharlal Nehru and occasionally Mahatma Gandhi, for all the ills that have plagued the nation since Independence.
5.     Most of them seem to have blind if not jejune faith in Narendra Modi’s messianic prowess for redeeming Hindus, Hinduism and India.
6.     Most of them believe, or seem to believe, that anyone who questions the Sangh Parivar is anti-national.
7.     Most of them lack the etiquette required in public debates.
Let me assure them, anyway, that I don’t regard any person as my enemy. What I question are certain ideological views and positions which I know are dangerous for India’s pluralism which is also India’s identity.


  1. "Why do I irk so many people who claim to be the champions of “Indian Hindu culture”? The answer is simple: they are not championing anything of the sort". - You said it!

  2. Dissent is just not being tolerated. And in a way, rabid misuse of social media has only furthered their hate-mongering. What's really disturbing is that the party wants all people to confirm to their notion of nationalism (which has right now taken a fascist avatar). Whoever disagrees with their opinion is taken as an enemy.

    1. Precisely. I hope the situation will change after the next election though my optimism seems to be misplaced as there is no sign of a good leader emerging.

  3. You have captured the real truth of today's politics. Its all came down only to mud slinging these days.

    1. This has to change if we are to achieve real development.

  4. Well written Mr Matheikal. I read those comments in fb while scrolling. Am not justifying him, but it might due to the insecurity every sanatana dharma believers are feeling due to the recent things happened in kerala..

    Its absurd the way thT hindu talked to you an another sorry. And i dont agree with him..

    Se are the sons and daughters of bharathamba

    I disagree with you if you say JN was the nicest PM or human being. And nobody can be so..

    It seems to be you hate Namo in politics and your opponents may not lole JN.. Thats their freedom.

    I think its a wrong term if you use Indian Hindu culture..WhT you mean..

    Thanks for being a Fan of Sanatana Dharma..or who am I to thank you..Its intelligence that seeks

    Best regards

    1. I was quoting the fb comment when i used the phrase 'Indian Hindu culture'.

      Modi doesn't deserve the position. His language and culture (lack of it, rather), his hatred of non-Hindus, hindi chauvinism... are a threat to the very identity of India as a country of diversity.

      My admiration of Nehru is a different matter. He was a statesman, scholar, writer and, above all, a dreamer. All dreamers make mistakes, yet they remain a notch above the mediocre.

    2. Your views about NM and JLN are absolutely correct and to the point. Albeit let me correct you that NM does not hate any particular religion or group or language or the like wise. His sole aim is to expand and perpetuate his power to the longest possible range and for that he can do anything. He can even ditch Hindus, Hindu religion and Hindi language if that gives him the desired political advantage. His attitude is simple - My Way or Highway. He is a pure dictator and a unique person whose selfishness goes to the hilt. He believes in Joseph Goebbles'famous quote - If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it'.That's what's been happening in India for the past few years courtesy himself. Neither the RSS, nor the BJP, nor the Hindu community, nor the Hindu religion, nor India, nor Indian culture matters for him. He firmly and sincerely believes in only one thing - I'm here to rule'.

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