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A Priest Chooses Death

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The parish priest of my neighbourhood committed suicide this morning. His body was found hanging from the ceiling. Just a week back a Catholic nun chose to end her life in the same manner at a place about 20 km from my home.

In a country where about 500 persons choose death every day, the suicide of two individuals may not create ripples, let alone waves. But, non-believer as I am, I was shaken by these deaths.

Christianity is a religion that accepts suffering as a virtue. In fact, the more the suffering in your life, the better a Christian you can be. Follow the path shown by Jesus, that’s what every priest preaches from the pulpit day after day. Jesus’ path is the way of the cross.

I grew up in an extremely conservative Catholic family in an equally conservative village in Kerala. I had a rather wretched childhood. But I was taught to find consolation in the sufferings of Jesus. The Passion of Jesus, that’s what it is called in Catholic theology. That Passion [with a capital P] stands for all the pain that Jesus the Christ endured towards the end of his life: the temptations, tortures and the crucifixion. All those pains are supposed to be the inspiration for every Christian to accept the pains of life without complaint. I was taught as a little boy that all the pains I had to endure [walking 8 km every day for schooling, being caned mercilessly by both parents and teachers, and other usual accoutrements of a helpless childhood in a rustic society] would reduce the Passion of the Lord. I was sharing the agonies of Jesus, in other words. That was a very noble way to accept suffering. Your suffering becomes a redemptive force that aligns with a divine mission. When you accept your suffering in the name of Jesus, you are partaking of the Lord’s redemptive sacrifice.

I internalised that theology as best as a young boy could. It helped me to cope with the inevitable terrors of my childhood gifted by circumstances as well as the adults around.

As I grew up, however, that theology lost its sheen for me. My parents continued to pray on their knees to the Lord of Suffering. Their suffering never ended especially because they had ten children including me and I must have been a severer pain in their aging knees as I distanced myself from their unrelenting theology and finally bid adieu to it altogether.

If I hadn’t chucked that theology, I would have ended my life on a noose like the priest and the nun mentioned above. The priest was born in the same year as I was. The nun was a few years younger. As we move into our old age, we need to feel a sense of self-integrity, a sense that our life has been meaningful, a sense that we did achieve at least quite much of what we wished to achieve. On the other hand, if we feel that our life was a huge failure, the noose begins to descend from the emptiness of life’s twilight.

How can a priest or a nun who spent their entire lifetime worshipping a God who taught them that life was a protracted continuum of suffering and also that the suffering has a redemptive value ever think of ending their life on a piece of rope? It means that their entire life was fake, absolute fake. What did the sermons that this priest preached for over three decades mean? Nothing at all! His suicide is the proof.

I gave up Christianity precisely because its theology of suffering failed to make any sense to me. I know that to exist is to suffer and to survive is to make sense of that suffering. Christianity is arguably the best religion that can help a believer to make sense of suffering. It helped my parents immensely. But it couldn’t help me simply because my very chromosomes rebelled against it. I wanted what Albert Camus called ‘intellectual honesty’ in the answer to suffering. Not theological dogmas.

A few years ago, when the Covid pandemic gave me much pain, I wrote a book on suffering. Here’s the link: Coping with Suffering - in case you’re interested in what I think of suffering and how I coped with it.

We, each one of us, have to discover our own meanings – even in religion. I think the priest and the nun failed to do that. They lived by some borrowed truths of simple church catechism. And the hollowness of borrowed truths stared them in the face at one point of time, inevitably. Such a stare can be devastating because it will pitch you face to face with your own inner emptiness. Even your God won’t be able to save you then because you had not understood that God in the first place!


  1. How very sad. As someone who was suicidal, I can't help but wish that they had had someone to help them through their emotional turmoil.

    Ah, the joys of suffering. Perhaps that's why I never took to Catholicism. (I was supposed to be raised Catholic, but my father was at best a lapsed Catholic and my mother wasn't.) I can't with any philosophy that says you should suffer. It happens, but one shouldn't be stuck there. (I'm rather glad my parents were more New Age-y and taught us kids that.)

    1. I'd say you were fortunate to be left without a religion in your childhood because religion seems to warp a child's personality. I'd suggest to have all children be brought up without religions. Let them choose their religion, if they wish, as they grow up and understand what the religion means.

  2. Hari OM
    For all that this has affected your good self, think how much more so it must have effect upon the congregations of these two souls... a shock, I'm sure. YAM xx

    1. I did think of that too, Yam. In fact, I spoke to a few individuals who knew this priest personally and they all told me that he was a highly discontented person with an extremely bad temper. Nevertheless, his death must have come to the parishioners as a bolt from the blue. How would it affect their faith? I wonder.

  3. I guess every religion has a leaning towards suffering. If it does not tell you to suffer then it tells you to accept. One and the same thing. But after acceptance the next logical step should be correcting the situation or factor which is causing one to suffer. By telling that you and your karma are responsible for your pains is just a way to put the blame on something which is not perceptible. Who knows how we dealt with people and surrounds in our previous birth?

    1. I always loved the suffering in Hinduism. Like Krishna suffering his Infinite Gopis. And then inflicting infinite fraudulence on Kurukshetra battlefield. And that grand finale in which everyone suffered and no one won.

  4. Sad. I grew up in family that I had freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

    1. Freedom from religion is a gift, dear Dora. Very few receive it. You were fortunate.


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