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Generation Gap

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I always believed that generation gap wouldn’t be a problem for me because I had failed to grow up psychologically. My hairs greyed and my skin has begun to show some wrinkles. But I can climb up the stairs with greater ease than a teenager of today. I can challenge my young students to go on a trek in the mountains and I’m sure I’ll conquer greater heights than them with much ease. More importantly, I can smile more sweetly than them. I am more open to new ideas, my blood boils at injustices unlike theirs, I have dreams, ideals and principles…

I was condemned to go back to the classroom. It’s for a short while, of course. I’m substituting someone. Initially I was excited. I thought I was getting an opportunity to be young once again. But the actual classrooms have all been terrible disappointments. The teenagers in front of me look so senile, behave like grumpy octogenarians who yawn all the way from morning to evening unable to understand or appreciate anything that’s around.

Generation gap!

There’s this guy whom I presented in an earlier post. Let me call him Bub. I never had any reason to earn Bub’s displeasure at any time because he was never my student and I never had any encounter with him at all anywhere. But from the day I entered his class recently, he has given me nothing more than scowls. And a few questions about my pronunciation. Though my pronunciation turns out to be correct every time according to Google (the latest being Hanukkah), Bub is still after my blood for reasons I haven’t deciphered yet. A friend suggests that this is a typical case of generation gap.

Bub must be seeing his grandpa in you, my friend tells me. Just find out whether this boy had serious issues with his grandpa or even grandma. I have put a few guys on this mission. Why would anyone hate someone without any reason? Generation gap doesn’t sound good enough a reason to me. Grandpa-figure sounds a better answer.

But then I am not sure again. There are a few students who seem to find it difficult to establish any meaningful relationship with me unlike until a couple of years ago. And it appears that my age is the problem. There’s no other logical explanation I can find.

A student who is very friendly asked me a question today. What do I have for breakfast? I told her about my simple but wholesome breakfast and asked why she cared. “Your energy, sir. I’m surprised by it. You possess much more energy than people of your age.” She thinks breakfast makes the difference. She has not heard about the importance of attitudes, apparently. That’s the real generation gap.

Now I’m wondering whether the generation gap in my case has done a somersault which is the root of all issues with my young students. I’m younger than most of them! At heart.


  1. Some people are just cranky. And some people just want to dislike others for reasons we may never know. It's not worth trying to figure out Bub's reasons for disliking you. They are his own. As long as you treat him fairly, he can stew in his own attitude. Don't let him bring you down.

    1. Bub sets my inquisitiveness on flame. Why this hatred without a cause? Or if there's a cause, what?

      I'm not taking him any more seriously than as a subject

  2. Today's generation is bogged down with expectations and ambitions. If they were free of these they would turn out to be better individuals.

    1. Ambition is fine. Good too. What bugs me is the superficiality of their thinking and aspirations.

  3. They are products of globalization. Blindly following the West is the norm. Nir that everything about the West is superficial. But they pick what they should not.

  4. Hari Om
    ...and then there's the fate of many a locum teacher... Why bother with respect when you're temporary... I know a few who faced this. YAM xx

    1. I'm not sure it's the temporariness of my service that triggers this behavior. It could be in some cases. But in the case of Bub, I have a strong hunch it's something else. What? I do want to know.

  5. I have come across,.maybe similar but not identical in context, iny late professional life...
    The ruses, hatred are seemingly byproduct.of a frustrating consumerism that they are trying to get assimilated within, while unkowingly sacrificing ethical values...I felt exactly like you, why so much hatred without any reason...and I felt they even don't have control over their emotions and their roots are shaken...maybe, torn apart..


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