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Showing posts with the label government

When government is a pain in the wrong place

  AI-generated illustration Shashi Tharoor described India the other day as a democratically elected dictatorship. He was speaking about the imminent arrest of Arundhati Roy for her remark on Kashmir. I don’t question Tharoor’s description because it’s true. In spite of the thrashing received in the last elections, Narendra Modi has refused to change his style of governing the country. He still thinks he has a divine mandate to rule India as per his whims and fancies. I have been more inclined to view the Modi government as a humongous extortionist. GST is the simple reason. Modi’s government has been collecting unjustifiable amounts in the name of GST. Let me give only a couple of personal examples. The other day I received a notification from my health insurers. It’s time to renew my policy if I wish to continue its benefits. The company doesn’t seem quite eager to have me continue it. My agent tells me that once a client turns 65, medical insurance business loses interest in t