From agropedia India has seldom been generous towards its womenfolk. In 1990 Amartya Sen spoke about the scandalising number of missing women in India because of the Indian preference for male children. Soon researchers estimated that more than 65 million women were missing from the country’s population. In such a country where women are not even allowed to be born, or not allowed to grow up after birth, what is women’s status in electoral politics? The first answer is that the political system is skewed in favour of men if only because the absence of 65 million voters translates as 20 percent of the country’s missing electorate. The situation has continued to be worrisome for years. Last year UNFPA’s State of the World Population report said that one in three girls missing globally due to sex selection, both pre- and post-natal, is from India. That’s tragically ironic for a country which creates new slogans for women’s security year after year. What comes as a consolation...
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