Introductory Note : CBSE has revised its assessment pattern for Class 12 English by reducing the comprehension passages from 3 to 2. Instead of 2 passages of 12 marks and 10 marks each, now it will be one passage of 20 marks. The note making passage will continue without any substantial change. Since new sample question papers are not yet available easily, I’m presenting below one comprehension passage in the new pattern. The passage is extracted from Shashi Tharoor’s latest book: The Paradoxical Prime Minister [slightly edited]. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow . 1. Secularism in India did not mean separation of religion from state. Instead, secularism in India means a state that is equally indulgent of all religious groups, and favours none. There is no established state religion; the adherent of every faith is a stakeholder in the Indian state. Nor does it mean secularity in the French sense. The French concept keeps r...
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