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Purity and Clarity

Taken during a trip to Meenmutti Falls (Wayanad, Kerala) with students

“There’s something that keeps us going because we know it’s right even when the whole world says it’s wrong.”  An 18 year-old student of mine wrote that in her FB status update a few minutes back.

There are more things I learn from my young students than from the wise adults.  That’s one of the blessings of the profession of teaching.  To be in touch with relatively uncontaminated minds is both a blessing and a hazard.  The hazard is the possibility of the teacher contaminating the young minds. 

Purity of heart and clarity of thought are quite likely to be perceived by the world as more dangerous than shades and shadows.  As an adult, I too feel burdened sometimes by such purity and clarity coming from my students.  But as a teacher I relish it because it’s a rare benediction.  


  1. The hazard you speak of is the biggest obstacle to the life to life transmission that teaching/mentoring is. When I was addressing my troubled self many years ago, my mentor advised me to stop standing in the way of my own happiness and success. Later, as I took up training and mentoring as a vocation, I realized that our conditioning, cynicism, idealism, motivations, are often projected in a very unconscious, unintended way and cloud the process of teaching. The socratic method of leaving students with "what do you think" seems to be a fairer, kinder way than to offer perspectives and answers.

    Watching my toddler grow and learn, I realize this problem of projecting our beliefs, desires, aspirations, all the more. It is hard to rein yourself in, but it is worth the reward as you see these young minds sort things out on their own.

    1. As a teacher I go out of my way to avoid letting my cynicism, idealism, etc interfere with my classes. But as you say they do make their appearances even without our realisation. After all, as human beings we have our limits and limitations. I'm sure even students learn to adjust. Perhaps these are also part of their learning experiences.

  2. I really like this short write-up of your Sir. I related to to thoughts and words because I felt these same emotions during my innings as a teacher. Now I experience it with my children.

    1. Teaching is a difficult career especially these days when we are faced with a lot of students who have emotional problems. It's quite like bringing up your own children.

  3. The hazard is the possibility of the teacher contaminating the young minds. You said it Sir. I am in complete agreement with the views expressed herein.


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