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Three Men and One Complex Human Life

One of the best novels ever written is Dostoevsky’s Karamazov Brothers [also translated as The Brothers Karamazov]. Alyosha, Ivan and Dmitri are the three brothers of the title. Each one of them presents a particular way of looking at life, a unique personality. Alyosha is a personification of goodness, Ivan is a man of the intellect, and Dmitri is all passions.

The narrator of the novel tells us that the hero is Alyosha whose story the book really is. But all the three brothers play more or less equal roles and each one of them catches our attention with a vice-like grip. Ivan is the one who has captured my attention right from the first time I read the novel decades ago. Dostoevsky wouldn’t endorse my admiration for Ivan, of course.

Alyosha is Dostoevsky’s ideal human being. He is a 20-year-old handsome person who is a living saint. He is training to be a monk in a monastery. His religious faith is deep and mature. His love for mankind arises from a profound understanding of human ways. He can comprehend Ivan’s intellectual rebellion and Dmitry’s passionate excesses. He knows that good and evil are both inevitable parts of human nature. He has deep faith in the potency of goodness to transform human beings. This doesn’t mean that Alyosha never faces doubts about God or goodness or the worth of what we perceive as human virtues. But he confronts his doubts with his deep faith in goodness, with his unfailing commitment to goodness.

We can foster goodness by being good in spite of all the problems and agonies life will inevitably throw in our path. That is what Alyosha teaches us. That is what Dostoevsky would want us to learn. Alyosha is a spiritual being. His sort of goodness is not quite common among human creatures, however. That is precisely why he fails to fascinate me.

Ivan takes all my attention because he is the genuine intellectual who grapples with life’s absurdities and goes mad in the end. Ivan possesses a brilliant, analytical mind. He could have been a successful scientist had been living in another time or another ambient. His questioning mind is buffeted by the mystery of evil, particularly suffering. If there indeed is a God who cares, why would there be so much suffering in the human world? That is his primary question. If there is a God, He must be malicious and hostile, a sadist par excellence. And if God does not exist, then we are utterly free to do whatever we want. Ivan’s logic obviates the need for morality.

The absolute freedom that agonised Ivan was also a problem for many thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. They erected great philosophies or worldviews about the agonies and possibilities of human freedom. Ivan, however, remained incapable of such philosophy. That was his nemesis. Dostoevsky would say that people like Ivan are doomed to fail in life because they have no spiritual moorings at all. Without some sort of spirituality, human life is doomed to succumb to despair and madness. Dostoevsky’s protagonist in Crime and Punishment elaborates this theme once again.

I don’t agree with Dostoevsky on that. I would say that Ivan failed to carry his intellectual thinking to philosophical heights. His rebellion stopped short of that great leap.

Spirituality is a leap, a leap of faith. Philosophy is another leap, a leap of the intellect from adolescent rebellion to mature sublimity. One such leap is necessary for human redemption. You can redeem yourself with arts too, for example. An aesthetic leap. Dance your way to salvation. Paint your way to heaven. Sing your way to paradise. Ivan failed to think his way to nirvana.

But Ivan stays in my heart like no other character does. Am I not Ivan to a great extent?

Dmitry is the antithesis of Ivan. If Ivan is all brains, Dmitry is all passions. He is headstrong and reckless. But Dostoevsky makes it clear enough that there is some goodness lying deep within him which can get a divine touch and be salvaged. He is accused of parricide wrongly and punished. His suffering brings him redemption. Suffering has a great redemptive power in Dostoevsky’s worldview. Suffering is like the polishing of diamond. Your soul acquires its genuine sheen through suffering. That is a very Christian outlook. Dostoevsky was an admirer of Jesus, after all.

Alyosha, Ivan and Dmitry are the three Karamazov brothers who have captured the literary world’s fancy ever since they were created. They teach us how life can be hellish without some sort of faith in goodness.

PS. This post is part of the Bookish League blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile


  1. I love this post! I have bookmarked it for future re-reads. Reading Dostoevsky requires a particular temperament, I might fair better reading his works now but even without reading it, I already see myself in Ivan. His questions are my questions. And you make so many profound observations, best of them being Ivan failing to carry his intellect to the philosophical heights. Weirdly, its the same conclusion i reached, more aptly, Its this LACKING- i have to work on...

    1. Dostoevsky is one of my favorite novelists, the more than century-long gap notwithstanding. He has created such mesmerising characters.

  2. Hari OM
    Great take! I could go into discussion, but will not and instead, simply revel in the " thinking one's way to Nirvana"! YAM xx

    1. I know you'd love to question some of my observations.

  3. It's wonderful when you like a book so much! And yes, sometimes you connect with a character almost instantly. For me, it's difficult to like a story if I don't connect with the characters.
    A very nice write up.

  4. I never really got into Russian lit. It sounds like I fundamentally disagree with the theme of the book, but maybe I might enjoy it. It'll go in the TBR pile.

    1. Read at least one novel of Dostoevsky and you will see a different world altogether.

  5. I have some Russian Lit on my good read list.
    Coffee is on.

  6. I have only read Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and Ivan reminds me so much of the anguish and suffering of Raskolnikov... I really found your post very spiritually engaging. The questions you raised ask for a long and enthralling discussion but for now, I am just impressed with the book and your take on it.

    1. You're right, there's much in common between Ivan and Raskolnikov. Both are misled by the intellect, but both are good at heart.

  7. Questions without action can lead to a sort of failure. I loved that point you brought up on how Ivan is unable to transcend his own existential angst.

    1. Ivan was prbably Dostoevsky's own existential angst.

  8. I'd be like Ivan too, I guess.
    I loved how you say, "Spirituality is a leap, a leap of faith. Philosophy is another leap, a leap of the intellect from adolescent rebellion to mature sublimity. One such leap is necessary for human redemption. You can redeem yourself with arts too"

  9. I haven’t read Dotoveskvy, though your review makes me want to give it a try.

    1. Dostoevsky isn't easy reading but if you have patience he's just the writer you can't afford to miss.

      By the way, this post is not a review. Just a btief look at the major characters.

  10. Loved your post. Isn't it wonderful when a book makes us think and evaluate and pick sides like this? I have been putting off reading Dostoevsky for 'when I have more time and mindspace' but you make me want to read it. What an interesting idea to have three brothers each with a different life philosophy. I cannot say which of them I would root for without reading the book, but one thing I can say is that intellect without conscience/morals can be a dangerous thing. Ivan's logic that 'we are free to do whatever we want' sounds ominous.

    1. Intellect without morals is dangerous, no doubt. But Ivan rises as a kind of hero because he is tormented by that conflict. People like Alyosha have it too easy because they're blessed with genetic goodness.

  11. Great Post....I have been reading since I was 16. But I am still scared to attempt his books for fear of not being able to comprehend the depth of those books. Do you have any suggestions for a reader like me on reading his books.

  12. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post! One of my friends is a huge Dostoevsky fan and she had recommended this book and Crime and Punishment but somehow I have never gathered enough courage to read his works!

    1. If you can gather the patience to read him, Dostoevsky is an immensely rewarding writer.

  13. Ivan's dilemma is one that quite of few of us, those who don't believe in religion but spirituality, have/would face. If there was a kind and benevolent god, why would there be so much suffering in the world.
    Anyway, your post does point to the fact, how some characters are so easy to relate to. They just bury into our psyche, long after we have finished the book.
    p.s. I never gather the courage to read Dostoevsky...

    1. Do gather the patience to read him and Dostoevsky is going to stay with you forever.

  14. I have had Crime and Punishment on my wish list for decades, but never got down to it. Now, another one is added. Your analysis makes me want to pick up this book. I feel the old writers explored characters more in depth and that is the good part of reading classic literature.

    1. The old writers are far more charming because of their characters.

  15. Thank you for prompting me to read the book once more. I read it years ago, forgot it almost.

  16. Interesting post. I have not read the Brothers Karamazov although we own a copy of it, which my dad has read.

  17. Love this post!! I’ve never heard of this book but I’m really intrigued. I’m particular partial to the paragraph you’ve written about the types of “leaps”.

    1. Dostoevsky can not only intrigue but also inspire in many ways.

  18. The way you penned the review clearly indicates you are in love with book and especially the characters. Your Review is actually encouraging me to pick this book for a read as I am bit biased towords Indian authors than others. But I do read good books of foreign writers too as few blogger friends encourage to pick them through their reviews just like you. Thank You

    1. I wouldn't call this post a review. The novel is too complex for a short review. I just took a glance at 3 major characters.

  19. Loved your review. Thanks for introducing this amazing book to me. I will definetly going to read this book

  20. I had started reading this classic as an audiobook. I hope to start once more. This made me go into the spirituality aspect of the writer.

  21. I did try to read The Brothers Karamazov once but I couldn't get through it. Perhaps it wasn't the right time. You post has prompted me to pick it up again. I can say I am a more matured reader now.

    1. All the best. Dostoevsky is difficult but worth your effort.


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