Patriotism is the desire to see your country as one that promotes the welfare of every citizen irrespective of religious, cultural and other differences. Patriotism has nothing to do with killing people whose eating habits differ from yours. Patriotism has nothing to do with playing the national anthem in cinema halls or wearing the national flower on your sleeve. The recent order of the Supreme Court of India to play the national anthem in the movie halls before the beginning of each movie actually belittles the anthem by making it a prelude to mere popular entertainment. Worse, most people who visit the cinema halls are not likely to be in a mood to display their patriotic sentiments; they are there for entertainment. There will be some latecomers who will be still searching for their seats. There will be physically handicapped or elderly people who may not find it easy to stand at attention. There are many practical problems, in sho...
Cerebrate and Celebrate