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Convert me too, please

Ghar Vapsi in Keral: Courtesy The Hindu
Converting to Hinduism is the latest fad in India, it seems.  It is amusing to watch people asking the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) or other organisations like the RSS to convert them.  I can now understand why many people converted from Hinduism to Islam in the heyday of the Mughal Empire.  There are some material benefits by joining the people in power.  In other words, for the first time in the history of independent India we have a party in power which resembles the Mughal Empire.  

30 Christians from 8 families in Kerala are the latest black sheep that have returned to their true family.  The Hindu reports that these families are “not traceable.  Local VHP organisers said they had been moved to another location.”  That’s interesting.  Is the VHP afraid that the converts will sell their religion yet again to a higher bidder?

The VHP and the RSS seem to be converting Hinduism into a commodity for sale.  I’m ready to buy it too.  Will they sell it to me?  I don’t need money. Convictions can never be bought or sold.  I don’t believe in gods and religions.  I trust my reason and imagination.  I have faith in my intuition.  Can the VHP buy my trust and faith?  Can it convince me why I should accept Hinduism?  If it can, I’m ready to be converted. 

In fact, I want to be converted.  I’d love some illusions provided somebody can convince me of their necessity.  I think illusions make life much easier.


  1. I think illusions make life much easier.

    Don't they? Forget what's right or wrong. Just following what's convenient makes life easier. But, wish conscience can be convinced by it.

  2. I think poverty and lack of education - are two reasons that VHP can carry on with their 'conversion deals' so easily. It's unfortunate and should be stopped at the earliest.

    1. When any Empire begins to expand it gets more support from people

  3. Your article reminds of the latest flick PK that i watched recently. True, religion has become a commodity to be sold and the promotional managers or sales people are doing their job pretty well.

    1. I must watch the movie since many people tell me it's of my kind

  4. Well said Sir. PK n U have similar thoughts! It's extremely degrading for Indian society that such a conversion wave is sweeping across & the poor r mostly targets. Economic progress & proper education r much needed for all, to prevent sch irrational wave from spreading further.

    1. Indeed Amrita it shows how shallow everything from politics to religion is.

  5. Illusions do make life easier. I sometimes wonder if illusions are all there is. The material benefits of joining people in power you've mentioned are also undeniable. I guess it's always easier to belong to a crowd, just which crowd is "better," I'm not sure...

    1. The group with the strongest power is the best to join, Priya. People are doing just that.

  6. Such funny observations: In the first paragraph, you compare Modi's gov with Mughal empire by comparing conversions. According to you Muslims and now an alleged Hindu Gov are people in power. You conveniently forgot the fact that the British too ruled india and during their times in the guise of civilizing the natives they gave a free hand to Chiristian Missionaries for conversion. Have you not heard about "Sepoy Mutiny" and the immediate triggers for it. You heap all your blames on Muslims and Hindus and conveniently forgot what Christians did while in power!! Fantastic!! The fact is this: When in power, people will thrust their ideologies on you...Its the same everywhere and happens even if you are a christian\ islamic\hindu ruler....

  7. You call the families which converted to hinduism as "Black Sheeps". Thats too derogatory a word Mr. You or I cannot judge them as black sheeps since these people have exercised their fundamental rights to go back to their religions. (Article 25 to 28 please check them out). And you should also try to go through the judgement by S.C. on Kodikkunnil Suresh Election Seat (M.P)Conversion case pls..It will open your eyes atleast.

  8. If conversion is your problem then why is the opposition silent when bjp talks about anti conversion bill ? They seem to loose the plot when they talk about anti conversion bill....there are legitimate and illegitimate conversions . the former is forced... Try to learn whether the people you addressed derogatorily as BLACK SHEEPS resorted to conversion voluntarily or were forced.... Dont jump the gun Mr.

  9. You have also cited a report by a leading newspaper in your post. But have you not went through this report by the same newspaper: Umman Chandy's response when asked about ghar wapsis in kerala:
    Please dont jump headlong and write a half baked post. Kala Pettennu Kelkumbole kayar edukkaruthu!! Its kerala and not north. People here are far more aware of things. The guys themselves approached the hindu organisations. They exercised their choice...... It was not coerced.. I come from alapuzha and have frequented harippad. I know people there: eventhough people fall into low income brackets they know their rights and no one can take them for a ride. this is the case in almost all parts of kerala barring few exceptions..... It is a response from a Chief Minister who is a Christian himself. So donot denigrate them by calling BLACK SHEEPS. It shows that you are really bothered about people who leave christianity and join other religion.

  10. Coming to the commodity for sale part of your post: The christian missionaries here in chennai and everywhere are thrusting their materials upon house after house. I stay in chennai... ive found well dressed guys approaching me in front of connemara library, commissioner office, hospitals asking me funny questions like have two timed your partner, do you lie to your partner and are you truthful etc and come and attend some suvisheshams etc... Even if i say emphatic no s they still cling on and thrust pamphlets in my hands.Forcing me i mean ! Yes Constitution gives you the right to profess, practise and propogate ones religion. but prohibits assault on "freedom of conscience". I told them this but they kept repeating their part. I had to call police. This happened even during sunday mornings in our flats... We got so fed up that the association had to tell the ones who knock the doors of our houses to stay away or face arrest telling them firmly that if anyone is interested in christianity they will approach you and no need to thrust it upon us....

  11. The fact is this: Religion is extremely personal... and problems begin when it is picked up by others in the public domain.... Every religon promotes their ideologies including christianity........... Now hindutva is visible since they are in power.... but work by christian missionaries too are going on pace and scale being different......

    Conversions happening in north in Agras ved nagar colony: by Dharm Jagran samiti are forced.... if you had written about them then i would have said it was forced conversions. but the ones which happened in kerala are not forced. People down south are smart, have great awareness and know how to exercise their choices within their limits.... but north is a mess....

  12. So please donot heap blame on Hindus and Muslims alone..... Try to write balanced posts... and wait till you get a rounded picture about the thing which you are writing...... And I recommend you to read the writings of John Dayal he is a christian and has great views too...... He is more balanced....
    Try to be more balanced when you write ..

    John dayal would hate to live in an illusion like you. he is bold brave sensible and reasoned....... and will face the truth and fight against injustice and wont paint everything with same colour like you have done. its a blasphemy that i compared JD with you but its only for sake of difference.....

    Try to read this too :

  13. Conversion shouldn't be a problem as long as it is voluntary.


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