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Colours of Truth

5 years ago in Delhi when I grappled with certain godmanly truths

There are no absolute truths except in rigidly well-defined systems like mathematics and science. Even a scientific statement like water boils at 100 degree Celsius is true only under clearly defined atmospheric conditions. Water will boil at 68oC on top of Mount Everest.

Mathematics can claim more absolute truths. A formula like sin2ÆŸ + cos2ÆŸ = 1 is absolute and won’t change even on the Everest. But what sense does that formula make to most people? The more absolute a truth is, the less valuable it is in day-to-day life. Absolute truths generally belong to specialised cliques and communes who have their own unique languages like trigonometry for example.

For ordinary mortals like me, absolute truths are like The sun rises in the east or The cow gives milk. But then if you ask me where the east is I’ll have to say that it is where the sun rises. [That’s like saying that David is Absalom’s father because Absalom is David’s son.] Imagine standing somewhere in the outer space far away from the earth and the sun. Where is the east? There is no east nor west in the infinite spaces. The absolute truth about the sun and the east is no more absolute than the cows giving milk. Some cows are too holy to give milk or anything worthwhile.

 Shelley told us two centuries ago that “Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, stains the white radiance of eternity.” The ordinary truths are all stained by life. When I say I love my country and choose to live in Birmingham with a Chinese wife, my patriotism may be little more than the occasional pangs of nostalgia for some lost moments of childhood happiness or a little more adult longing for a need to belong to a more familiar environment. Or it may be genuine passion for a cause that is yet to be understood clearly.

Life’s truths are blurred like the mirror in the bathroom after your shower. The infidelity of a woman can shatter the entire universe of a Hamlet. Yet we know that not all women are unfaithful to their husbands and hardly any significant number of them actually murder their husbands in order to sleep with another man. So what was the value of Hamlet’s truth? Yet didn’t his truth drive too many people to insanity or death?

Truths are multi-coloured. Your truth may be saffron while mine is blood-red. There are green truths too. A lot of colours, in fact.

Who cares anyway? We have learnt to call it the post-truth world.


  1. Very well written Sir. However let's not embrace the post-truth world though we are (unfortunately) destined to live in it. The quest for truth may not lead us to anywhere but the person who continues with that does something that deserves admiration. Post-truth world is a reality today but that shouldn't be acceptable to genuine truth-lovers. All the same, your thoughts regarding truth expressed herein deserve a deep thought from the side of the reader of this article. The tagline of a good but flop Hindi movie - Yeh Faasley (2011) was - 'You can only imagine the truth'. I feel, this statement also has some substance since several truths never come out and several mysteries always remain unravelled.

    1. The post-truth condition is here to stay, I think. Look at world leaders today. All frauds but very popular. If the earlier world belonged to the mediocre, today's world belongs to frauds. Sad, tragic, but all the more reason to assume that there is no God looking after us. But we shall continue to fight for the gods, with the gods, by the gods, against fellow human beings.

      Thank you for caring to express your views so frankly here. Very few people dare to write so frankly these days.

  2. Couldn't agree more on this! We are nothing but bunch of gathered data and reactions - from upbringing and experience. Some red, some green and some saffron, dominated! The problem is in this cosmos, the earth is smaller than an atom and on that earth 'I' am a big thing and my choice preference and knowledge is supreme and that is where all the I's conflict like the random movement of particles. Do those particles matter to us? Does some creator/or our accidental existence really mean any thing in this huge cosmos? Time to think - what has any kind of collectivism given us - in the name of faiths, ideologies. May be, there is no purpose to life but if at all there is, it cannot be collectivism of any sort, I presume.


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