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The Ruler Matters

My copy of the novel

The Germans thought that Hitler was going to be their Saviour. His very memory nauseates them now. Joseph Stalin met with a similar fate. Mussolini did too. What will be the fates of Putin, Xi Jinping, Kin Jong Un, and (should I say?) Narendra Modi?

All of these ‘great’ leaders are people who misused power. They are cowards at heart, psychology would say. Ask Eric Fromm, for details.

O V Vijayan’s novel, The Saga of Dharmapuri, published in Malayalam originally, is about the cowardice of mighty leaders. You can claim to have a 56-inch chest. The moment you make that claim, you’re revealing the coward that lies deep in your heart. Such cowards wreak havoc of all sorts. They kill a lot of people. Never by themselves. They kill a lot of people using others. Using others in the name of religion or something similar. Killing is important. It proves that they are not cowards.

Violent power is inevitably related to cowardice. That is one of the core themes of Vijayan’s novel which was published originally in 1977, just after Indira Gandhi’s Emergency in India. Vijayan stated explicitly on diverse occasions that the novel was not about the Emergency. Indira Gandhi might have stirred Vijayan’s scatological imagination. But the novel is not about Indira Gandhi and her kind of dictatorship. It is about dictatorship in general.

Including democratically elected dictatorship.

Hitler was popular. And Stalin too. Mussolini too.

Indira Gandhi was nothing in front of them. Vijayan knew it.

Vijayan died in 2005. He didn’t live to see the Modi Era in India. If he had, he could claim that The Saga of Dharmapuri was prophetic.

The Saga of Dharmapuri is about a ruler in the kingdom of Dharma. The ruler is a dictator. As immoral as a human being can be. His stool is the protagonist of the novel. The judiciary, the police, the ministers, and the media bring his excreta to the citizens for whom it is supposed to be something like Mann ki Baat. Delicious. Exquisite. Exotic. Aromatic. Blissful. Amrut.

Shit reigns supreme in The Saga of Dharmapuri, in short.

But the Dictator of Dharmapuri will parade his might on the royal highway every month by displaying some antique weapons his predecessors built. And he will heap abuses on those predecessors at the same time. Nevertheless, he knows how to use these weapons to foster nationalism among his subjects. Whenever something goes wrong in the country, he will create a problem with a neighbouring country whose God is different.

God is a do-or-die entity for all cowards who want to rise high in the political hierarchy. They know that God can perform a lot of miracles with the masses.

Siddhartha, the king who relinquishes his kingdom in search of the truths beyond cowardly myths, makes a few appearances in Vijayan’s novel. His touch heals the wounds of the victims of nationalism in Dharmapuri. But he is helpless when nationalism goes raping women, selling children, and plucking out the vital organs from the men.

Dharmapuri is on the way to becoming Viswaguru. Shit has a strange charm! 

O V Vijayan

PS. This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon

Previous Posts in this series:

1. Heights of Evil

2. Pip Learns the Essential Lessons

3. Delusions and Ironies of Love

4. Good Old Days without meetings

5. Finding Enlightenment

6. An Oracle Gives up his Goddess


  1. After reading your post I again read your title, it made me smile. Suppose the ruler of each tailor is graded differently, then I will have to probably find the right tailor to get my dress stitched properly otherwise some might be loose, some tight; some mini dresses and some giant gowns. Your mention of democratic dictatorship is well-framed and presented. Actually, we live in a new world with a modern look of dictatorship where we only choose our leaders who later refuse to leave their chairs and keep continuing in their post for years and years. I think you have used the word ruler as a homonyms which adds more meaning to your post from various angles.

    1. Vijayan used the word Prajapati in the Malayalam original and President in his own English translation of the novel. I used Ruler precisely for reasons that you've mentioned here.

  2. Hari OM
    It seems that Vijayan-ji may have presented an equal to another great treatise on power and its corruptions... 1984. Both have proven, as you say, prophetic. Or at the very least, prescient. YAM xx

    1. Prescient may be the better term, Yam, and thanks for that. Vijayan's novel is what literary convention calls Grotesque Realism. It revolts us sometimes with its excess of excreta! Unlike Orwell.

  3. The dictators keep showing up. Any story about a dictator will follow roughly the same playbook. It's not prophetic. It's just recognizing patterns.

    1. Yes, intelligent and perceptive people see that pattern pretty easily.

  4. Interesting and somewhat humorous too.

  5. Ah! The popularity contest. It would be a delight to read this novel. Is it return in a satiical manner or essays?~Sukaina

    1. It is a novel, a very troubled and troubling one with faeces appearing larger than human beings every now and then.


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