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Do we need a government?

“Do we need a government at all?” That was my introductory question in a class on Vikram Seth’s poem The Tale of Melon City. I intended to provoke my self-conceited students into some shape of wokeness. The only time their consciousness seems to awake is when they can detect some error in my pronunciation because a few of these students lived in some English-speaking country including America for a brief period and hence think they know English better than anyone in India. Interestingly, every time they question my pronunciation, I google it and prove to them that I am right. My ego! The class becomes a battleground of egos in spite of my age.

I am a middling sexagenarian. So, one day I decided to put an end to the ego battle and apologised to my students for being their teacher. I didn’t deserve to be their teacher, I told them. Forgive me for the grave error of having accepted the offer from the school management to teach you. Just a few more weeks. I cannot dishonour the contract. That’s why. Just put up with me for a few weeks more. And they didn’t care. I mean nothing changed on their faces. No expression. You would think you were in a class of inanimate statues.

And I turn to YouTube for help.

Seth can be deceptively simple, I tell my students to justify my switching over to YouTube. Otherwise they may complain that I’m wasting their time with irrelevant video clips. They want to sleep or live in their own fantasies. Classes are not required. They will learn the lessons from YouTube videos which are very concise.  

But not the kind of YouTube videos I show them.

Seth can be deceptively simple, I tell them hoping to gain their attention. We’re going to watch a video clip from a Hollywood movie. I expect some big gasp from the class. A gasp of expectation, if not excitement. I’m such a fool. Nothing happens. I play the video clip anyway. From Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Here’s the video for you, if you’re interested. It’s worth your time, a few minutes, I assure you.

My students yawn. A few fall asleep.

I draw their attention to the conversation between King Arthur and the peasant Dennis.

Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior!

Arthur: Well, I AM King.

Dennis: Oh, king, eh, very nice. An’ how’d you get that, eh? By exploitin’ the workers, by ‘anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic an’ social differences in our society! …

The scene goes on. It’s mesmerising, as far as I’m concerned. But my students are asleep, nearly. I will go out of this class apologising to myself for sticking on to this profession. I am helpless. There is a contract with the management that I have to fulfil for the sake of my integrity.

Dennis’s wife tells King Arthur to get lost. “I didn’t vote for you,” she says.

Arthur: You don’t vote for kings.

Electronic Voting Machines do all the voting, I tell my students. No reaction. They don’t even have a political view. Once I asked them whether they were aware of the Gujarat riots of 2002. Their answer: “We were not born then.”


Korean music and Korean drama mean a lot to them, I know.

I return to Vikram Seth.

The kingdom in his poem chooses a melon as their king because that was the choice of an idiot who got the right to make that choice by the custom of the country. Custom, tradition, ritual, religion…

Where are we going with all these? I raise the question to the group of 16-year-olds.

Who cares? Their indifference intimidates me. They will all go to some English-speaking country and find a job there. Whatever job that comes. Whatever!

“The principles of laissez-faire,” Vikram Seth’s poem ends, “Seem to be well-established there.” The citizens are happy because their King is a melon. My students are happy too with that. Do we need a government? Who cares?



  1. Hari Om
    My heart aches for the indifference of youth - how long into the working life they envisiage will it be before they will look back and think, "Arey, but Matheikal-adhyaapakan might have been onto something!"... YAM xx

    1. Yeah, friend, let me share with you a message that came yesterday from a former student.

      "Hi sir, hope you are doing well, my name is...., a student of Sawan Public School, I don't know if you remember me or not. But I remember you! And I wanted to let you know. Everything that you told me makes sense now! Every small thing! Thank you!"

      They will remember me, I'm sure, years later.

      Thanks for reminding me of that.

    2. wanna know about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene follow up

  2. It's sad to see profound questions about authority and freedom met with yawns, but you did make an effort with your perseverance and creative attempts to wake them. The disinterest of students can be absolutely frustrating for a dedicated teacher!

    1. Forget the teacher. I'm wondering what kind of a world these youngsters will forge.

    2. wanna know about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene follow up

  3. Ah, the hubris of youth. Youth is wasted on the young. You're making an impression, whether you realize it or not. They can't show this to you, however. It won't look good to their peers. Are you enjoying the lessons you're teaching? Focus on that. Be glad they're not talking over you. (It drives me nuts when that's the problem.) And know that you're planting seeds that you might not see sprout, but the seeds are there nevertheless.

    1. That's my hope too. I know one day they'll remember me with some affection and respect too.

    2. wanna know about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene follow up

  4. The melon is rotting. Needs to be disposed.

    1. Yes, but too many citizens seem to relish the stench!

    2. wanna know about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene follow up

  5. Your blog post beautifully captures the struggles and triumphs of teaching. It’s clear you care deeply about engaging us, even when we seem indifferent. Your efforts with Vikram Seth’s poem and creative methods like showing Monty Python clips are appreciated, even if we don’t always show it. Keep inspiring us! and I assure you that I will try my best to be engaging and attentive in the class

    Sir my new blog is published DA VINCI'S LAST SUPPPER

    1. Thanks for this reassurance, dear Felix. And I'll definitely have a look at your take on Da Vinci and Jesus.

  6. Dear sir,
    Thank you for sharing your reflections on our class. We genuinely appreciate the effort and dedication you put into our learning. I think sometimes our silence can be misinterpreted; it was more about us processing the thought-provoking content you shared, sir. We hold great respect for you and your teachings, and we’re grateful for the insights you bring to our discussions. We were never trying to be egoistic and uninteractive in your classes, but it was more because of the insecurity about how our questions might feel stupid to the rest of the class. As teenagers, this feeling is somewhat natural for us and the least I could do is to apologise, on behalf of the entire class, for the silent treatment that you experienced. For any generation, treating teachers with disrespect is disgraceful and we students never tried to do it to you, sir. Please for give us for the discomforts we gave you.

    1. I'm obliged for this clarification. I do look forward to happier experiences in class.


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