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What is the meaning of life?

What did life mean to the millions of people who awaited their death in Hitler’s concentration camps? Any day, not too distant, they could be gassed to death. Their bodies might end up in a corpse factory [Kadaververwertungsanstalt] that converted human body fat into glycerine and soap. Becoming toilet soap cannot be the meaning of anyone’s life.
What did life mean to Hitler himself and his accomplices who ran the camps? Murdering millions of people cannot render anyone’s life meaningful. Hitler saw himself as the saviour of Germany. Eliminating the Jews was part of his messianic mission. The mission was the meaning of life for Hitler. But what about his victims?
Viktor Frankl was one of Hitler’s victims. His mother, wife and brother were murdered by the Nazis. Frankl survived the horrors and brutalities of the camps and wrote the celebrated book, Man’s Search for Meaning. Meaning is what makes life bearable even in a concentration camp, even in the face of death. Even suffering can attain a profound meaning provided you are willing to discover that meaning.
Meaning of life is a discovery. Your discovery. You discover the meaning of your life. You create the meaning of your life. Of course, you can also borrow it from someone else. From religion, for example. There’s no harm in that. But the sense of fulfilment you get in the end may not be as much as what your own creation would give you.
The meaning of your life is the sense of purpose you discover in your life. It is what gives direction to your life. It is what gifts you with wisdom. It is what makes you assert that “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” That is what Viktor Frankl said standing in the death row.  
Frankl was fortunate enough to escape death. He had endured much in the meanwhile. The endurance taught him some of the profound lessons of life. One of those lessons is that “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.” That why is your meaning of your life.
Why am I here? Ask yourself the question. Your answer is your meaning of your life.

In one of Tennyson’s poems, the Greek King Ulysses is bored of his idle life in the palace with his “aged wife”. He decides to enjoy “life to the lees” by going on yet another voyage. He had already “seen and known” much: “cities of men, and manners, climates, councils, governments … and drunk delight of battle with (his) peers.” That was the meaning of life for him. Kingship does not excite him. He decides to leave the country to his son who loves “common duties … in offices of tenderness”. Ulysses calls his mariners, men who had travelled and struggled with him for years and years, men who had grown old with him, and tells them that “Old age hath yet his honour and his toil.” Before death closes everything, they should do something noble, something that befits “men that strove with Gods.” And so Ulysses and his sailors set off “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
That striving was Ulysses’ meaning of life. The seeking and finding without yielding except to the ultimate fate of death is a meaning that has excited me for years now. I describe myself as a learner. I keep learning: from books, other people, my students, anyone, anywhere. That is my meaning of life.
The meaning you create for your life must leave you with a sense of fulfilment too. My learning does that to me. When I transfer something of that learning to my students, I get an extra sense of fulfilment. When some students tell me occasionally that I inspire them, it is a bonus sense of fulfilment. Nothing else can match that sense: not religion, not any readymade meaning.

Next: Religion and Meaning
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa


  1. No matter how dark the outlook might be there is always a lesson life has to offer. The quest for meaning must continue no matter how outrageous life might appear to treat us. If we remember this fact in life it would be a lot easier to sail through troubled waters.

    1. I view life as a series of lessons. My students readily agree with that definition though they are yet to go through life's inevitable agonies. There's no ecstasy without the agony. The quest has to continue.

  2. Wow. What a deep post. "Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'" This is such a simple and yet such a profound thought. We endure through everything because we have something to look forward to and work for. We believe that it'll all get better eventually. And that is the reason we continue fighting, we continue living. This reminds me of a quote from a book I just finished reading, Swimming Home by Deborah Levy - "Life is only worth living because we hope it will get better and we'll all get home safely."

    1. Thanks for adding Levy to the post. It will get better... or else, we can at least make sense of what's happening: that's what meaning is.

  3. storytelling style of writing a blog is the best way to engage your readers

  4. Agree the meaning should give us fulfillment and contentment.
    Life is exploring, discovering, learning continuously.

  5. Excellent. A deep understanding of history and classical western philosophy! A contrast is of course modern atheism grounded in science! The meaning of life is to live! And perhaps no more!

    1. Thanks, Rohit. You're right, life is to be lived, lived fully, and that's precisely the meaning of life.

  6. Reminded me of the poem that I had learnt in school! Thank you.

  7. Absolutely moving article. For firsts it was deeply touching to dig so deep and find meaning. Second I am scouting for the book to find out more. Thank you for putting this out there.

    1. Thank you. This is the 1st in a series on meaning of life. Welcome to the others too.

  8. I have also pondered long and hard over the meaning of life. Thanks for this wonderful new perspective!

    1. It's not new really. There have been many western philosophers who put forth this idea earlier and in much better words.

  9. What is the meaning of life? That’s too lofty a question for me - one I’ve asked many a time with no satisfactory answers. What brings me meaning and peace and joy? Now that I can answer. Is that, then, my why?

    Modern Gypsy -

  10. It's really important to give a meaning to your life if any body found it the whole struggle will banished

    1. People do find their meanings. Religion helps, for example, as i show in the next post:
      Religion and Meaning

  11. This is very deep. Although this wHy is a dangerous question. It just makes life more coMplex I feel. Why am I here or Why am I at all???

    1. Albert Camus would agree with you and suggest you take life as a challenge.

  12. In my terms I see life like a magical world filled with new set of rules daily. I really loved the way you conveyed the meaning of life!!

    1. If you see each day as new and magical, your life is the richest.

  13. The blog seriously took me to my school days, i remember this chapter taught, even i came to know that hitler himself was a jew.
    Great way it was to convey your message good work

  14. When you fall in darkest pit of life and crawl back, you discover the secrets of life. Fine storytelling.

  15. Meaning to life makes it easier to live. You have explained the truth very carefully by taking real life examples.

  16. I am sure this question is in everyone's mind, why I am here and what is the meaning of life?
    And you have explained it very nicely some real-life examples.

  17. Life is the discovery of 'You'.. Wow. such a beautiful lines..

  18. Wonderful and thoughtful. Appreciate the way of putting questions - why and how - giving meaning to life.


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