Scripture In the beginning was a chimpanzee. She gave birth to two daughters. One daughter followed the rules of the tribe’s game and gave birth to more chimpanzees. The other one rebelled and gave birth to a creature whom the traditional conservative devout chimpanzees called a monster. The monster grew up and called himself man. Man. Man was a narcissist as all rebels turned out to be eventually. Man loved to be worshipped. So he conquered everything. Whatever he could. But he called it everything. When he killed the creeping reptiles and ate it he thought he was the lord of the universe. So he created a god in his image and made the creeping serpent the devil. The devil came in his scriptures to offer an apple to the woman. The woman had to be subjugated. She was demanding too much. Especially with the protruding belly all the time. Man hunted. Woman cooked and delivered. ...
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