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Crafts for Kids

 Book Review

A to Z Crafts for Kidz

By Kinshoo Agrawal

Children are creative by nature. The school smothers that creativity slowly with all the mugging up and other unimaginative acts of omission and commission that constitute the academic systems in our country. Of course, there are a few boards and schools that nurture each child’s creativity using ingenious methods. But not all can afford those schools. Here is a book that can easily solve the problem.

Kinshoo Agrawal’s e-book is a rich source of ideas for engaging your child creatively using simple things that are available at home or quite easily from the neighbourhood stationer. As the author mentions in the beginning of the book, “Crafts and creative activities are proven to be helpful in early learning and early childhood development.” She goes on to elaborate the merits and benefits of crafts for kids and also gives some very vital guidelines to parents and other adults who are dealing with these kids.

The book provides a wide variety of crafts such as ‘Create with Clay Dough/Play Dough’, ‘Diwali Crafts and Acrtivities’, and an assortment of greeting cards. Each section has an introduction that tells you about the materials required and the learning outcomes. A couple of pages is given below as an example.

This book is an excellent support material for any parent who wishes to nurture the creativity of a child. Nurturing children’s creativity is important because without that nurturing children grow up into the kind of robots we see around us these days, creatures who act mechanically, puppets driven by string-pulling. Nurturing creativity helps children to grow up into fully alive adults driven by inquisitiveness and trust in themselves. Eventually it leads to the creation of a better world. Kinshoo Agarwal’s contribution towards the creation of a better world deserves appreciation. 

The book is available here.

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  1. Replies
    1. Yes, for kids and people with a taste for such crafts.

  2. This sounds like a great pick. I will definitely get this for my girls

  3. This is surely going to be very useful for me as my kid has started enjoying crafts now.

  4. Now, this is such a fun and engaging book for kids and parents alike. Definitely will help them to bond over creative fun!

  5. This book is a must for parents wanting to develop cognitive skills of their children.


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