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Humanism: Celebration of Life


One of the best philosophies of life is humanism. It is an attitude to the world that is centred on human experiences, thoughts and hopes. Our rational faculty is the foundation of this philosophy. Our reason can tell us clearly why certain actions are good and others are bad. Our reason can tell us why we should choose the good and avoid the bad and hence can be the solid foundation of our morality. Our moral code does not require other trappings like gods and religions.

Humanism asserts that we have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to our lives. This noble philosophy aims to build a more humane society through an ethic based on human and natural values in the spirit of reason and free enquiry.

The American Humanist Association defines humanism as “a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfilment that aspire to the greater good.” It is informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion.

Every word in the above definition deserves attention. We can and we should live ethical lives. Religions also tell you the same thing. But religions posit eternal reward or punishment as the ultimate motive which apparently does not convince most believers. We are asked to be good in order to merit heaven and avoid evil in order to escape hell. Or something similar to that. It may be rebirth instead of heaven and hell. Whatever it is, religion’s offerings lie somewhere out there, far away in the realms of faith. The world has not become any better a place for all that. Humanism tells us that the benefits of being good and doing good lie here itself. By being good and doing good, we create a better world here itself. Heaven can be here itself; there is no need to wait for death.

Humanism does not accept truths from books merely because they claim to be divine or inspired. Humanism wants reasons. It relies on reason and science for proofs. Not everything can be proved in science labs. Why we should choose good and avoid evil, for example, cannot be proved using test tubes and chemicals. But our reason can tell us clearly why we should do that. But there are a lot of other situations where science can assist us to separate truth from falsehood.

Art inspires us and teaches the finest lessons of life. Humanism relies heavily on art for the attainment of nobility while most ordinary mortals rely on religions and gods. Human history shows us that gods and religions have not been able to create a humane world so far though they have been with us for millennia now. If we keep on doing the same thing, we will keep getting the same result, as Einstein said. If we continue to place our trust in gods and religions, we will keep getting more crusades, jihads, and other holy wars. Just think of the millions of lives extinguished brutally in the name of gods and creeds. Humanism never snuffs out lives for the sake of entities supposedly living on some other planet or somewhere in the outer space.

Humanism is all about your dignity and liberty. You are worthy of respect just because you are who you are and not because some god created you in his image. You have the freedom to think and act so long as you don’t encroach on the freedom of the next person. You have the freedom to create something new using your imagination and other aesthetic faculties. You have the opportunity to create a better world.

Think rather than feel, humanism tells us. Have well-informed thoughts. That is what can make the world a better place.

Appreciate the arts, literature, music, crafts and other such creative outputs of human beings. They enrich our lives.

Take responsibility for your own life by seeking new knowledge and exploring new options.

Humanism is a quest for more truths and a better world.

PS. This is powered by #BlogchatterA2Z

Read the previous parts of this series below:

A: Absurdity

B: Bandwagon Effect

C: Chiquitita’s Sorrows

D: Delusions

E: Ego Integrity

F: Fictional Finalism

G: The Good Child

Tomorrow: Intelligence is not enough


  1. A beautiful logic based concept that teaches us to appreciate the basic values in our lives. Let's make this world a better place by taking charge of our lives and accepting the responsibility of our actions.

    1. Humanism is charming for those who prefer reason to emotion.

  2. Have well-informed thoughts. That is what can make the world a better place. You said it Sir. A quest for truth should always remain. Blindly believing whatever is told proves to be self-destructive sooner or later.

    1. But aren't we astounded by the fan-following got by blind beliefs?

  3. I liked the logic behind this concept of Humanisim. Ofcourse your conclusion is one thing that would stay with me for a while definitely. Both the following sentences have such a profound meaning in them.
    Take responsibility for your own life by seeking new knowledge and exploring new options.

    Humanism is a quest for more truths and a better world

  4. a beautiful concept if understood correctly i believe. Does it differ from the renaissance humanism which was the intellectual movement in middle ages?
    deepika sharma

  5. While the East has given concepts like Compassion and Vasudhaiba Kutumbakam (All the word is one family), the the west has given beautiful concepts like humanism. All these are beautiful concepts and can be applied for common good of the whole world. At the same time every nation whether big or small wants to dominate over the whole world. Then there are corporate interests. In spite of all that maybe because there are people who are compassionate and believe in humanism, the world is still a livable place.

    1. Indeed, because of that minority of adherents to humane values the world remains a bearable place.


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