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Capitalism is fated to be sad

Capitalism without discontentment is like Christianity without hell, if I may paraphrase Frank Borman. Discontentment is an integral part of the capitalist system because the system is stuck at the lowest levels of human aspirations.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow arranged human aspirations in a pyramid-shaped continuum, ranging from the inferior needs which are largely focused on the body to the higher needs of the psyche, culminating in what one may call the soul. Most of us are familiar with Maslow’s pyramid. Nevertheless, let me present it below if only to remind us of certain details. 

You will easily notice that capitalism is stuck at the lowest of Maslow’s hierarchy of aspirations. The most successful businesses of capitalism cater to our physical and simpler psychological needs. Oil and gas, mining, constructions, textile, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, electronics, telecommunications, insurance, banking… none of these touches those aspirations of ours that bring us deeper happiness or a sense of fulfilment.

Capitalism is not concerned with things that deliver the higher sorts of satisfaction. Capitalism is determined to keep us at the lowest levels of existence, promising us sensual delights and luxury or affluence. Even when it does promise something that borders on the higher aspirations like love and intimacy, Kamasutra condoms or Viagra pills are likely to pop up rather than a group or a club that brings like-minded people together in meaningful relationships.

Wealth creation is the ultimate goal of capitalism. It celebrates the richest people in the world every year in various ways. It projects the richest as the heroes of our times. In the process, it keeps people just there: at the lowest levels of human existence.

Genuine happiness comes from reaching the higher levels of love and relationships, personal accomplishments, and self-actualisation. Capitalism is not concerned with these.

The mother of a very rich family asks her young son, “What does your girlfriend like in you?”

“She thinks I’m handsome, talented and rich.”

“And what do you like about her?”

“She thinks I’m handsome, talented and rich.”

That probably is the self-esteem that capitalism endows too many people with. That is why capitalism is fated to be sad.

PS. This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

Yesterday’s: Behold the Beauty

Tomorrow: DOGmatism



  1. Absolutely correct! Capitalism is a sad fate. There is more to happiness….which capitalism comes short of in providing. A man could be perfect on the outside…having the most beautiful and luxurious items of the world(the best looking women, wealth, money, outer luxurys) and yet not have the inner satisfaction which brings peace to heart. This is why many world leaders and great kingpins have turned their lifes to religious beliefs and to improve spiritual health. From personal experiences and living a prior wildlife, I could without a doubt, say that their is way more to this capitalistic life (worldy-life… as the Bible would say) than we seek.

    1. I'm thrilled to see you here, Joshua. Together we can make a better world, you know. You know what I mean.

    2. Yes sir. Excited just like how you are😌

  2. I think capitalism isnt fated to be sad, more like few bad apples have created a system where they exploit capitalism. They can, if they chose to, offer ways of self actualization to the general public but don't because their subscribing model is: keep them poor so we can prosper. On the other hand, there are genuine people who want to break the cycle. That is how countries like USA and others in the west have, in recent years, been focused on issues like Gender rights, equality, things that fall in the self actualization category of the pyramid. Among every system that exists, capitalism is still the only democratic path to success offered to any individual, its is an open entry to a better life. But like you said it is bound to bring up discontentment. As for fated, well, Id like to believe we have the power to change that fate, a freedom that a system only capitalism offers.

    1. Every system can be good, Careena. Socialism is an ideal philosophy. But it failed because of us. Capitalism is not so ideal because, as I said in the post, its focus rather low-level. Yet it could have succeeded if we wanted it to. But humans are so wicked that no system will save us. So many gods incarnated in various forms to destroy evil among humankind. But evil continues to be stronger than ever!

    2. Ahh yes rightly so. No system can survive our wickedness anymore.

  3. I liked your opening line, sets the tone for what has to follow. Capitalist have survived long and done good for themselves, there must be some merit in it, though i fail to see it just like you. Wealth creation as you point out is it's major goal, isn't that what all of us seek too.

    1. When I think of wealth creation, what comes up in my mind is one of my neighbours. He is an old man. Very old. He lives in a palatial house with a lake of his own. He is so old that he cannot enjoy anything in that house or outside. There is a North Indian servant who lives in what's called 'out-house'. He looks after that old man whose offspring are all abroad making more wealth. For whom? For what?

  4. I think to understand Maslow's pyramid one needs to have a higher level of thinking. For most of the people usually see/feel/think the external. Thus for them Capitalism is all that is shiny. They are hardly bothered by their soul or higher purpose in life.

    1. And capitalism encourages people to stay just at that level: sensual delights. Even religion is that for them. Recently I visited a famous pilgrimage centre in Kerala, my state. What I noticed, among a lot of things, is the number of donation boxes. More than 20. You find donation boxes everywhere. It's business. Nothing to do with spirituality.

  5. Hari OM
    Your earlier commenters have covered the territory- I just add my usual 'whoop-whoop' for your well considered piece! YAM xx

  6. I am in awe with your topics. Some of them are bouncers but you make me think about it and leave me wanting to know more

  7. I believe true self-esteem comes from a sense of inner fulfillment, connection with others, and a sense of purpose beyond the accumulation of wealth which capitalism has failed us to realise or reach. The dialogue at the end of your writing is the cherry on the cake. Well written, as always!
    P.S.: A few months back I came across this Maslow's pyramid and since then I feel there is something in it comparable with the chakra system in spiritual concept though there are stark differences between the both. I am just not able to put a finger on it.

    1. Self-esteem cannot come from accumulation of wealth or things. So capitalism is quite helpless there.

      I'm not familiar with the chakra system.

  8. I remember Maslow's hierarchy during my MBA days and yes I agree, Capitalism is all about the shine & Glitter from the outside and is not a source of happiness.

  9. Happiness and contentment is independent of all "Ism"s which are man made. Each one will have to find his/her own way to fulfillment which is not a one glove fits all.

    1. True. But capitalism cannot reach the highest levels in Maslow's theory because by its very theory it is stuck at the lower levels.


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