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Can you empower yourself with the energy from those electric lines? "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" Robert Browning

Cat on Car

Have a nice ride! But remember: being on top is always a risky job.


Ready? Go ahead, don't bother about me. I'm just an intruder with a gadget. Yeah, that's it. You are a newborn calf. You believe my words. Soon you will learn not to.

Pen and Wine

Which is better: the bottle [tiny as it is] or the pen [mightier than the sword]?

Silver Line?

Does every cloud have a silver line?

Tunnel Vision

The other side is always greener.

Monkey Business

The monkey clambered up the wall and looked around. Then he [let me assume that it was a 'he'] caught hold of the DTH dish. He shook it vigorously a number of times as if to ascertain its sturdiness. Having ascertained the sturdiness, he sat down leaning against it, majestically.