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Florentina and Shillong

Florentina is not one individual but a representative of the many females I lived with at St Joseph’s School, Shillong. St Jo was introduced in the last post. It is worth taking a closer look at St Jo.

 St Jo was an exclusively girl’s school when I joined it as a math teacher in the high school section in 1986. It belonged to a Catholic congregation of nuns and was quite an old structure with classic wooden planks for floors. I can see from the Internet that the entire campus has undergone a sea change although Shillong is at an elevation of 1500 metres from sea-level.

Much more than the infrastructure must have undergone change. A friend of mine visited St Jo recently [does anyone call it by that endearing abbreviation anymore, I wonder] and told me that he was treated very rudely by the principal though he is a Catholic priest. It was that same priest who had got me my first teaching job there at St Jo back in 1986 when the world was a much simpler ambience. He was a student for priesthood then. Today he is a venerable old priest.

Back in the 1980s, the nuns were a simple lot. The world was much simpler, of course, than today. The romantic in me would have thought that a hill station like Shillong with tribals as the dominant population would have retained some of that old-world simplicity. But I’m told that I won’t even recognise Shillong if I visit it today. It has embraced modernity so much. A lot of concrete has replaced the old traditional bamboo-clay walls and wooden floors. Highrise buildings abound everywhere. Sophistication has swallowed the entire tribal world.

Don’t you want to visit Shillong? A friend asked me the other day. I said No. Shillong inflicted a lot of wounds in my soul back in the latter half of the 1990s. The scars are still fresh. Why should I scratch those scars and seek the perverse pleasure of reopening them? Moreover, Shillong is not a classical hill station anymore. It is just another heap of concrete structures.

Maybe, I should visit it just for the perverse pleasure of seeing the marauding march of civilisation on hills that were intractable earlier. I would at least love to see St Jo once more, the school where I started my career, the school that taught me how to teach.

Florentina was a student of that school. As in most posts of the series whose part this post is, Florentina is a little fiction and more reality. The name is fiction. But the person is real. The only difference is that the person is not a particular individual in this post. Florentina could be any one of those hundreds of girls whom I taught at St Jo from 1986 to 1994.

I still remember a lot of faces from those days. Even names. Exotic names like Ibawansuklang Marbaniang or Shailanti Kharmawphlang. Or Florentina Shangpliang. Even their faces come alive in my memory. Cute girls with angelic smiles. St Jo was a convent school. The headmistress Rev Sister Thaddeus was a benign person. I remember many of the nuns in the convent too. They could never have been rude. The world was not so bad yet.

Really? Those were days when militant organisations were very much active in Shillong demanding the ouster of outsiders like me. There were many Khasi tribal organisations, including a student union, that went around attacking nontribal people and even killing many. There was much brutality.

Yet the truth is that there was much goodness in the Khasi hills as anywhere else in the Northeast in those days. The assaults were carried out by a small section of people consisting of the usual rut of aspiring politicians and another usual rut of criminals who were ably made use of by the politicians.

Florentina still had the innocent tribal charm. She neither understood the violence that sent thousands of people including little children to refugee camps nor endorsed it. Florentina sat by my side in the little living room of my rented house at Lower Mawprem and learnt math and physics. She didn’t want to join politics. Politics? She yucked. That was men’s job. And men were useless except for breeding children. That was what Florentina believed. And the men of Shillong seemed to do little to disprove Florentina.

I understand Shillong has changed a lot today. Would I revisit the place? Well, if Florentina sends me an invitation, maybe. 

I'm grateful to Pandian Ramaiah for teaching me to create images like this.

PS. I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z 

Previous Posts: A,  B,  C ,  D, E


  1. Nice story...I have heard beautiful stories of Shillong even today....I am also thankful to Pandian to help me make the AI images...;)

    1. These images do make the posts come alive!

    2. I merely provided the direction. You both are tech-savvy! By the way, the image turned out exceptionally well. It speaks for itself.

    3. Your direction was precise. That matters.

  2. Shillong is the fashion capital of the northeast! It's terribly crowded and I went in 2022 last. I prefer the other areas of Meghalaya. And like everything else, nothing is that simple any more.

  3. //And men were useless except for breeding children// I remember the statement from a country's president (I'm not naming his/her as I don't have an evidence), "One cannot raise a rooster solely for the sauce!" Florentina indeed has a clear vision.

  4. You might be surprised by what you find if you were to revisit the area. Not good memories, maybe, but I bet some of the bad things have been tempered by time. But I understand. It's hard to revisit the site of old traumas.

    1. Maybe, I should visit, if only to know how I'd feel...

  5. I am living in Shillong currently and the little children still have the charm that you described. Even though it has modernised a bit, it's still behind by at least a decade compared to the other big cities. But the beauty, in the sense, each and every plant, even the grasses blooming during Spring, is a sight to behold!

    1. Glad to meet someone from Shillong. Also to know that the landscapes still carry charm.

  6. There is such a rustic charm to this story. I quite like Florentina's view of men though.

    1. Shillong's men were quite worthless in those days. They were good at organising useless riots.

  7. I love reading about and slipping into the old-world charm of places. This post also made me nostalgic about the small town that I grew up in and the school I attended.

    1. Shillong in 1980s was quite a primitive place with that ancient charm.


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